Ride sharing definition
Examples of Ride sharing in a sentence
Ride sharing is strongly encouraged whenever possible for all Union officials and members while on Union business.
UNIT – V:Smart Urban Transportation Systems: Smart Transportation Technologies - Driverless and connected vehicles - Ride sharing solutions - The "improve" pathway - The "shift" pathway – Smart Roads and Pavement systems.
Ride sharing" means a carpool or vanpool arrangement, whereby a group of at least two but not exceeding fifteen persons, including the driver, is transported in a passenger motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding ten thousand pounds, excluding any special rider equipment.
Ride sharing services, for example, typically require consumers to pay both personal data and money.
A person who is a parent or legally/financially responsible for the LISS applicant cannot be paid by LISS funding to provide this service.Transportation services may include the following:• Metro Access, Taxi Vouchers, Uber, and Lyft.• The hiring of a company or person to provide transportation.• Wheelchair or Scooter Loaders➤Please note: Ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft are reimbursable services only.