Ride sharing definition

Ride sharing means the use of any vehicle by any covered person in connection with a transportation network company from the time a covered person logs on to or signs in to any computer or digital application or platform that connects or matches driver(s) with passenger(s) until the time a covered person logs out of or signs off of any such application or platform, including while en route to pick up passenger(s) and while transporting passenger(s).
Ride sharing means the use of a single motor vehicle by 2 or more persons for the purpose of commuting to and from their places of employment or attendance at postsecondary institutions, and includes commuting by means of a car pool or a van pool.
Ride sharing means the same as "((flexible commuter)) ride sharing" as defined in RCW 46.74.010, including ride sharing on Washington state ferries.

Examples of Ride sharing in a sentence

  • Ride sharing is strongly encouraged whenever possible for all Union officials and members while on Union business.

  • UNIT – V:Smart Urban Transportation Systems: Smart Transportation Technologies - Driverless and connected vehicles - Ride sharing solutions - The "improve" pathway - The "shift" pathway – Smart Roads and Pavement systems.

  • Ride sharing" means a carpool or vanpool arrangement, whereby a group of at least two but not exceeding fifteen persons, including the driver, is transported in a passenger motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding ten thousand pounds, excluding any special rider equipment.

  • Ride sharing services, for example, typically require consumers to pay both personal data and money.

  • A person who is a parent or legally/financially responsible for the LISS applicant cannot be paid by LISS funding to provide this service.Transportation services may include the following:• Metro Access, Taxi Vouchers, Uber, and Lyft.• The hiring of a company or person to provide transportation.• Wheelchair or Scooter Loaders➤Please note: Ride sharing services such as Uber and Lyft are reimbursable services only.

More Definitions of Ride sharing

Ride sharing means for-profit driving services, taxis,
Ride sharing means a carpool or vanpool arrangement whereby one or more groups not exceeding 15 persons each including the drivers, and not fewer than three persons including the drivers are transported in a passenger motor vehicle with a gross vehicle weight not exceeding 10,000 pounds. "Ride sharing" does not include transportation provided in the normal course of business by entities that are subject to chapters 46.72A, 48.177, 81.66, 81.68, 81.70, and 81.72 RCW, or offer
Ride sharing means the use of the any vehicle in connection with a ride sharing program during any time period when the driver is logged into an online-enabled ride sharing application or digital network as a driver, when the driver accepts a requested ride, is en route to pick up a passenger, or is transporting a passenger until the passenger departs the vehicle.
Ride sharing means a group of not less than four state employees who arrive and depart from work in one vehicle.
Ride sharing means the use of any auto by any insured person in connection with a transportation network companyfrom the time an insured person logs on to or signs in to any:
Ride sharing in this proposal means a service that enhances user convenience and transparency through the use of IT.
Ride sharing means the use of any vehicle by any driver in connection with a transportation network company from the time the driver logs on to or signs into any computer or digital application or platform that connects or matches drivers with passengers until the time a driver logs out of or signs off of any such application or platform, including while en route to pick up passengers and while transporting passengers.