Right to dignity definition
Examples of Right to dignity in a sentence
Right to dignity, physical and mental well-being, freedom and security.
Right to dignity has been recognized to be an essential part of the right to life and accrues to all persons on account of being humans.
WAPDA1, the Supreme Court of Pakistan held that the right to a clean and healthy environment was part of the Fundamental Right to dignity provided in Article 14.
You have the right to request of free copy of any evaluation and / or treatment plan (ask for a copy at the front desk).❖ Right to dignity, privacy, human care, and freedom from mental and psychical abuse, neglect and exploitation – You have the right to live as normally as possible while receiving care and treatment.
B: Right 3 - Right to dignity and independenceEvery consumer has the right to have services provided in a manner that respects the dignity and independence of the individual.
Right to dignity has been recognized to be an essential part of right to life and accrues to persons on account of being humans.
Sections 33 – Right to life; 34 – Right to dignity of human person; 35 – Right to personal liberty; 36 – Right to fair hearing; 37 – Right to private and family life; 38 – Right to freedom of thought, conscience and religion; 39 – Right to freedom of expression and the press; 40 – Right to peaceful assembly and association; 41 – Right to freedom of movement; 42 – Right to freedom from discrimination; 43 – Right to acquire and own immovable property anywhere in Nigeria.
Keywords of the systematic thesaurus: Constitutional Justice – Jurisdiction – The subject of review – Failure to act or to pass legisla- tion.3.15 General Principles – Proportionality.3.21 General Principles – Prohibition of arbitrari- ness. Fundamental Rights – General questions – Entitlement to rights – Natural persons – Incapacitat- ed.5.3.1 Fundamental Rights – Civil and political rights– Right to dignity.
State of Uttar Pradesh241, the Supreme Court observed that “right to life guaranteed in any civilised society implies the right to food, water, decent environment, education, medical care and shelter.”The Right to dignity also extends to the dead.
Violation of Right to dignity (Article 21)CAA is constitutionally invalid because it is in violation of article 21: “Right to life and personal liberty and dignity”, by stripping, arbitrarily, the rights of some people.