Rio Tinto Alcan definition
Examples of Rio Tinto Alcan in a sentence
The aforementioned notice of civil claim was commenced in the Supreme Court of British Columbia between Frontier Kemper Constructors and Frontier Kemper – Aecon Joint Venture as plaintiffs/defendants by counterclaim and Rio Tinto Alcan Inc.
The parties agree the logo will be placed on the explosion sticker, along with the Rio Tinto Alcan and Made in Canada text.
The Pisolite Hills bauxite deposits and those adjoining bauxite deposits on the Rio Tinto Alcan mining leases situated between the Wenlock and Ducie Rivers are therefore important, strategic resources.
Likewise, the duty to consult must be approached in a “generous” and “purposive” manner (Rio Tinto Alcan Inc v Carrier Sekani Tribal Council, 2010 SCC 43, at para 43 [Rio Tinto].
The main external source is Hydro's contract with Rio Tinto Alcan (RTA) for the supply of 900,000 mt of alumina annually until 2030.
The technology for the Alumina refinery expansion is being provided by M/s RTAIL (Rio- Tinto Alcan Limited).
Review of Electoral Act No. 5 of 2014 The Electoral Act No. 5 of 2014 came into operation at a time when the institution was laden with the responsibility of planning and organising the 2014 Presidential and National Assembly elections.
The major suppliers of the Company are ENRC Marketing AG with respect to alumina supply, JSC Russian Railways with respect to railway transportation, ZAO CFR and Irkutskenergo with respect to transfer of electricity and power supply and Rio Tinto Alcan with respect to bauxite.
The potential loss of production at Rio Tinto Alcan and uncertainty regarding future land management would impact most directly on those communities in close proximity to Rio Tinto’s land holdings.
No employee may initiate a grievance regarding the contents of a performance review unless the signature indicates disagreement.