SABS. : means the South African Bureau of Standards.
SABS means the South African Bureau of Standards referred to in the Standards Act, No. 29 of 1993;
SABS means South African Bureau of Standards;
Examples of SABS in a sentence
BUILD UP OPENINGS Brickwork in SABS approved NFP bricks in class II mortar in building up opening in: Half brick walls.
No BUILD UP OPENINGS Brickwork in SABS approved NFP bricks in class II mortar in building up opening in: One brick walls.
More Definitions of SABS
SABS means, in these regulations, “SABS” followed by a number or a number and a title, is a reference to the specification of the indicated number published by the Council of the South African Bureau of Standards, and all amendments thereof, and which are available for inspection at the office of the Council at any time during official office hours;
SABS means the South African Bureau of Standards established by section 3 of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 8 of 2008);
SABS means that South African Bureau of Standards established in terms of the Standards Act, 1945 (Act 24 of 1945);
SABS means the New SABS or the Old SABS as the context requires; and
SABS. : means the South African Bureau of Standards. “SANS”: means the South African National Standards. “Vendor”: means Contracted Supplier or Service Provider
SABS means the South African Bureau of Standards (SABS) as established in terms of the Standards Act, 2008 (Act No. 5 of 2008), as amended;