Risk limit definition

Risk limit means a condition or requirement in a permit or permit addendum that serves to limit the risk from a source or part of a source. Such conditions or requirements may include, but are not restricted to, limits on risk from the source or part of a source, limits on emissions of one or more toxic air contaminants, limits on emissions from one or more TEUs, or limits on source operation.A Source Risk Limit established under OAR 340-245-0110 is a risk limit.
Risk limit means the largest statistical probability than an incorrect reported tabulation outcome is not detected and corrected in a risk-limiting audit.
Risk limit means the largest probability that the Risk Limiting Audit will fail to correct an election outcome that differs from the outcome that would be found by a full manual tabulation of the votes on all ballots cast in the contested race.

Examples of Risk limit in a sentence

  • Builder’s Risk limit of liability shall be equal to the amount of the contract.

  • This policy sets out a variety of limits, most importantly, thresholds for open positions in the gas and electricity portfolios which also feed a Value at Risk limit.

  • If Builder’s Risk, limit shall be equal to 100 percent of the contract.

  • The material limits include Earnings at Risk ("EaR") limits, Duration of Equity ("DoE") limits, net overnight open position limit, investment limits, hedge limits, transaction size limits, counterparty limits, deal size limits, Foreign Exchange Value at Risk limit, daily MTM volatility triggers, and cumulative stop loss triggers.

  • At BB Seguridade and its subsidiaries, the exposure to this risk arises from the investment portfolio in financial assets.The market risk is managed based in the Financial Investment Policy, that defines which assets may comprise the portfolio and the VaR (Value at Risk) limit, calculated for 21 business days, with the portfolio volatility estimated using the exponentially weighted moving average (EWMA) and 95% confidence level.

More Definitions of Risk limit

Risk limit has the meaning ascribed thereto in Section 8 in this Schedule “C”;
Risk limit means any of EGD Short Position, EGD Long Position, Gas Hedge, Natural Gas Basis Position or Power Average Daily Peak Contractual Load, in each case as such terms are defined in Section 3 of the “Wholesale Risk Control Policy” set forth in Exhibit E2 comprising part of the Risk Management Policy.
Risk limit means the largest statistical probability that an incorrect reported tabulation outcome is not detected ((and correc- ted)) in a risk-limiting audit.
Risk limit means the largest statistical probabili- ty that an incorrect reported tabulation outcome is not detected in a risk-limiting audit.
Risk limit means (a) for ERCOT, any of the limits specified in GEP Conversion, Gas & Power Xxxxxx, Natural Gas Basis Position or Power Average Daily Peak Contractual Load, in each case as such terms are defined in Section VII (ERCOT) of the Risk Management Policy, and (b) for PJM, any of the Hedge Limits specified in Section VIII (PJM & Illinois Retail Hedge) of the Risk Management Policy
Risk limit means the largest statistical probability that an, if a reported
Risk limit means the largest probability that the risk-limiting audit will fail to correct an election