Bag limit definition
Examples of Bag limit in a sentence
Snow geese, blue geese, white−fronted geese): Bag limit of 5, including the legal limit of Canada geese specified in par.
Bag limit shall be one deer for each hunter in the party who has a valid deer transportation tag.
Bag limit for barramundi in the Ord River area watersFor the purposes of section 50 of the Act, the bag limit in respect of barramundi taken from the Ord River area waters is one barramundi.[Regulation 64ZG inserted in Gazette 1 Oct 2003 p.
Bag limit for barramundi in Broome area watersFor the purposes of section 50 of the Act, the bag limit in respect of barramundi taken from the Broome area waters is one barramundi.[Regulation 64ZK inserted in Gazette 1 Oct 2003 p.
Deriving the Value of Changes in Deer Season Length and Bag limit: An Application of the Nested Multinomial Logit Model.” K.