Corporate Finance Fee means the fee to be paid to the Agent by the Issuer in consideration of corporate finance and structuring services provided by the Agent;
Finance Company means any Finance Company or other lender with whom You have agreed a Loan or credit agreement through the Supplying Outlet.
Sales finance company means that term as defined in section 2 of the motor vehicle sales finance act, MCL 492.102.
Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No. 18 of 2013) and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund;
Family farm corporation means a corporation founded for the purpose of farming agricultural land in which the majority of the voting stock is held by and the majority of the stockholders are persons or the spouse of persons related to each other within the fourth degree of kinship, according to the rules of the civil law, and at least one of the related persons is residing on or actively operating the farm, and none of whose stockholders are a corporation. A family farm corporation does not cease to qualify under this division where, by reason of any devise, bequest, or the operation of the laws of descent or distribution, the ownership of shares of voting stock is transferred to another person, as long as that person is within the degree of kinship stipulated in this division.
Capital One means Capital One, National Association.
Financial Services means any service of a financial nature, including (but not limited to) β
PLC means Programmable Logic Controller;
First Chicago means The First National Bank of Chicago in its individual capacity, and its successors.
Asset Management Company/UTI AMC/AMC/Investment Manager means the UTI Asset Management Company Limited incorporated under the Companies Act, 1956, (1 of 1956) [replaced by The Companies Act, 2013 (No.18 of 2013)] and approved as such by Securities and Exchange Board of India (SEBI) under sub-regulation (2) of Regulation 21 to act as the Investment Manager to the schemes of UTI Mutual Fund.
Director of Finance means the Chief Financial Officer of the Trust.
Chief Investor Relations Officer means such senior officer of the Company appointed by the Board of directors to deal with dissemination of information and disclosure of UPSI in a fair and unbiased manner.
Corporation/ Corpn./ Department means the Central Warehousing Corporation.
Asset Management Company means an asset Management Company as defined in the Rules and Regulations.
Asset Management is a principle/practice that includes planning processes, approaches, plans, or related documents that support an integrated lifecycle approach to the effective stewardship of infrastructure assets to maximize benefits and effectively manage risk.
Michigan economic development corporation means the public body corporate created under section 28 of article VII of the state constitution of 1963 and the urban cooperation act of 1967, 1967 (Ex Sess) PA 7, MCL 124.501 to 124.512, by a contractual interlocal agreement effective April 5, 1999 between local participating economic development corporations formed under the economic development corporations act, 1974 PA 338, MCL 125.1601 to 125.1636, and the Michigan strategic fund. If it is determined that the Michigan economic development corporation is unable to perform its duties under this act, those duties shall be exercised by the Michigan strategic fund.
of a corporation means all classes of Capital Stock of such corporation then outstanding and normally entitled to vote in the election of directors.
General Motors Financial Company, Inc. means General Motors Financial Company, Inc. (f/k/a AmeriCredit Corp.).
Mobile Banking means the banking services accessible from the Device you have registered with us for Mobile Banking.
Citigroup means Citigroup Global Markets Inc.
Mizuho means Mizuho Bank, Ltd.
Next Michigan development corporation means that term as defined in section 3 of the next Michigan development act, 2010 PA 275, MCL 125.2953.
Mutual housing corporation means a corporation not-for-profit,
Investee Company means any company or entity in which a Fund has invested or which has issued debt securities to a Fund;
Related Bodies Corporate has the meaning given to that term in the Corporations Xxx 0000 (Cth).
Mutual holding company means that term as defined in section 10(o) of the home owners' loan act, chapter 64, titles III and IX of Public Law 101-73, 12 U.S.C. 1467a, and OTS regulations governing mutual holding companies.