Examples of Road Department in a sentence
Send invoice(s) to the Ingham County Road Department, PO Box 38, Mason, MI 48854.
Neither the County nor the Road Department Director will be responsible for oral interpretations.
Errors and omissions in the Plans or Specifications shall be called to the attention of the Road Department Director prior to submission of bid so that addenda may be issued.
This Invitation for Bids is being issued by the Eddy County on behalf of the Eddy County Road Department.
Any person contemplating the submission of a proposal and being in doubt as to the meaning or intent of said contract document shall at once notify, in writing, the Road Department Director of Deschutes County, Oregon.
Adequate information on which to base approval or disapproval must be furnished to the Road Department Director or his representative and the Road Department Director shall be the sole judge of any request.
When the Road Department Director approves a substitution, it is with the understanding that the Contractor guarantees the substituted article or materials to be equal or better than the specified.
NOW, THEREFORE BE IT RESOLVED by the Marshall County Board of Supervisors that the Marshall County Engineer and the following named employees of the Secondary Road Department be authorized to issue and sign special permits for the movement of vehicles of excessive size and weight upon Marshall County Secondary Roads in accordance with said Chapter 321E: Named Employees: Paul Geilenfeldt, Mark Hentges, Lisa Reeder, Jill Tompkins, Andrew Rhodes.
The Owner shall maintain all entrances and driveways on the Lands to the satisfaction of the Municipality and the County of Essex Road Department if applicable.
The Calhoun County Road Department (CCRD) has a storm sewer system that is separate from sanitary system located within the County.