Examples of ROW Project Manager in a sentence
The first multilateral arrangement was adopted in 1865, in Paris, with the establishment of the International Telegraph Union.
Upon re-submission of the paper copies of the revised final plat by the Design Engineer, the ROW Project Manager shall send corrected copies to all reviewing agencies to make a determination that the comments have been satisfactorily addressed.
A drawing to scale prepared from record documents depicting proposed right-of-way lines, existing right-of-way lines, easement lines, and private property lines with relevant grantee names, recording data, recording dates, and title report/commitment by title company coordinated with the State’s ROW Project Manager.
If signs of hazardous materials or USTs are observed, the DBT Right of Way Project Manager shall notify the KYTC ROW Project Manager and District Environmental Coordinator initiate a Site 1 Environmental Investigation on the parcel.
If previously unidentified hazardous materials are discovered during demolition or construction the DBT shall immediately stop work and notify the KYTC ROW Project Manager and District Environmental Coordinator.
Contrary to the RFP, Legal Services required for condemnations will be negotiated by Change Order at a time agreed upon between the DBT ROW Project Manager and the KYTC ROW Project Manager.
ROW Project Manager any written counter offer from property owners including supporting documentation, and Provider recommendation with regard to Administrative Settlements in accordance with Department policy and procedures.
Prior to demolition of properties, the DBT ROW Property Management Agent shall notify the KYTC ROW Project Manager and District Environmental Coordinator that all known hazardous materials have been removed.
Department’s Designated Representative (DDR): ROW Agent, Manager, or other assigned employee formally assigned by the Department as the ROW Project Manager.
Consultant shall discuss with Region ROW Project Manager all access modifications/closures, utility relocations, and building / structure impacts prior to and during appraisal assignments to ensure appraisal specifications and assumptions are accurate based on project intent, the potential of eminent domain use if negotiations are unsuccessful and meet Agency approval.