City’s Project Manager definition
Examples of City’s Project Manager in a sentence
No information, news, or press releases related to the Project, whether made to representatives of newspapers, magazines, or television and radio stations, shall be made without the written authorization of the City’s Project Manager.
If any of the listed key personnel leave employment or are otherwise not utilized in the performance of the work, approval to substitute must be obtained by the Contractor from the City’s Project Manager.
The Company will ensure that its employees and agents shall, whenever on the City’s premises, obey all instructions and directions issued by the City’s Project Manager with respect to work on the City’s premises.
Optional On-Call Provision (This provision only applies if checked and only applies to on- call agreements.)Services will be authorized by the City, as needed, with a Task Order assigned and approved by the City’s Project Manager.
B3.6 All correspondence or contact by Proponents with the City in respect of this RFP must be directly and only with the City’s Project Manager.