Examples of Rules for Submission in a sentence
The format of this is specified in the Rules for Submission of Theses for Higher Degrees3.
Please see the Annex A to the ERC Rules for Submission for a detailed description of the ERC Ethics Review procedure.The ethics review process concerns all projects funded by the ERC in Horizon 2020.
Exclusion of independent experts at the request of an applicantAs established in section 3.3 of the ERC Rules for Submission, applicants submitting proposals may request that up to three specific persons would not act as peer reviewers in the evaluation of their proposal.
ERC Rules for Submission, applicants submitting a proposal may request that up to three specific persons would not act as peer reviewers in the evaluation of their proposal.
Also, in section 5, as established in section 3.3 of the ERC Rules for Submission, applicants submitting a proposal may request that up to three specific persons would not act as peer reviewers in the evaluation of their proposal.
COST Actions are approved by the Committee of Senior Officials (CSO) as per Rules for Submission, Evaluation, Selection and Approval (SESA) of COST Actions.
For more details on the evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria, PIs are invited to consult the ERC Work Programme 2016 (Evaluation procedure and criteria) and the ERC Rules for Submission (section 3.6 Organisation of the peer review evaluation).
For more details on the evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria, PIs are invited to consult the ERC Work Programme 2018 (Evaluation procedure and criteria) and the ERC Rules for Submission (section 3.6 Organisation of the peer review evaluation).
A complaint can be made if the PIs and/or applicant legal entities consider that the assessment of the eligibility and/or evaluation of their proposal has not been carried out in accordance with the procedures set out in the Rules for Participation, the relevant ERC Work Programme, call for proposals or the ERC Rules for Submission.
For more details on the evaluation procedure and evaluation criteria, PIs are invited to consult the ERC Work Programme 2014 (Evaluation procedure and criteria) and the ERC Rules for Submission (section 3.6 Organisation of the peer review evaluation).