Rural fund definition
Examples of Rural fund in a sentence
MH fund is projected to be 6%, Rural fund 13.7% and Secondary Roads fund 27%.
We have reached out to other Tribal programs, and outside agencies to help us achieve success, and to carry out the Rural fund activities for this Category 2 Economic Development project.,Aanikoosing, Inc.
Like UKSPF, the Rural fund supports the aim of the government’s Levelling-Up agenda, but unlike UKSPF it has no Revenue funding element.
The Transit Rural fund needs additional authority to execute grants and reserves to purchase 6 new medium duty buses.
We have addressed the challenge with our IB and seek options through the Rural fund and / or other solutions of regional funding.
Considering that the Royal Canadian Legion, branch 171, presented a request for financial assistance within the Rural fund; Considering the Legion’s activities are of great importance for the community life in Morin-Heights; It is proposed by Councillor Leigh MacLeod And unanimously resolved by all Councillors: That Council support the project presented by the Royal Canadian Legion and the request for financial assistance from the rural fund.
The Transit Rural fund needs additional authority to execute grants and reserves to improve facility and purchase equipment.
Include details of who will have access to the information disclosed, such as restricting this to the board of charity trustees and the secretary to the board.