Examples of SAE J1667 in a sentence
Prior to July 1, 1999, if a repair facility is not equipped with an operable SAE J1667 smokemeter, vehicles may be tested at the repair facility in accordance with the smoke opacity test procedures and opacity standards set forth in section (e)(3).
A copy of SAE J1667 is on file with the Arizona Secretary of State and may be purchased from SAE on-line at www.sae.org.
The *Wager and *Bosch units only provide the opacity reading which must be corrected with the formula specified in SAE J1667.
The SAE J1667 procedure covers a free-acceleration exhaust opacity test for diesel-engine vehicles in which a sophisticated mathematical Bessel function filter is used to eliminate instantaneous non-systematic peak readings from temperature-, pressure- and humidity-corrected maximum opacity levels collated over a 0.5 second time- frame.• The typical test run is very short.
The behaviour plan outlines: o Our understanding of what the child is trying to achieve or communicate through his/her behaviouro How we adapt our environment to better meet the child’s needso How we teach and encourage the child to use new, more appropriate behaviourso How we reward the child when he or she makes progresso How we respond when the child’s behaviour is challenging (responsive strategies).o We pay particular attention to responsive strategies.
Hence the SAE J1667 Free Acceleration test procedure is not adequate for controlling particulate emissions or NOx.There is an Engineering adage that states, “You cannot improve something you are not measuring”.The control and reduction of particulate emissions from in-use diesel vehicles requires a short transient dynamometer test procedure to be defined and implemented in which both visible smoke and particulates are measured.
Documentation of a successful SAE J1667 smoke test pursuant to section 2196.4(a).
Any class of motor vehicles otherwise subject to the on-board diagnostics test is subject to the transientloaded-mode test, the two-speed idle test, the opacity test, or the SAE J1667 opacity test in accordance with 310 CMR 60.02(7)(a), (b), (d) and (e) if the Department determines that the vehicle class is not compatible with the then existing OBD test software or hardware.
Unless exempt pursuant to 310 CMR 60.02(3)(c), diesel vehicles with a GVWR greater than 10,000 pounds and not otherwise subject to an OBD test are subject to the SAE J1667 opacity test.
The vehicle operator is instructed to provide a snap acceleration demonstration, and depending on the result the driver is either free to go or the SAE J1667 smoke opacity test is administered.