Examples of Sand and gravel in a sentence
Sand and gravel sourced from beaches shall not be permitted unless it has been thoroughly washed in clean water.
Sand and gravel are the predominant substrates in the lower reaches while boulders and rubble are predominant in the upper drainage.
Sand and gravel or broken stone must be stored in such a way that it is protected from contamination by other materials.
Sand and gravel found on site shall not be used for fill for these items.
Sand and gravel pits are located in this management area and there is potential for additional pits.
AMR will provide two attendants during the five home football games to comply with by-law requirements of the San Andreas League.
Sand and gravel pits are located in this management area and there is good potential for additional pits.
The stratigraphic profile in the vicinity of Transit Zone can be summarized, based on Australasian Groundwater and Environment Consultants Pty Ltd (2009) (see Appendix 1 for drill logs), as follows: General Stratigraphy - Transit Zone • Topsoil, 0-0.5m• Bauxite, 0.5-4m• Ferricrete, 4-6m• Clay (kaolin), 6-8.5m• Sand and gravel aquifer, 8.5 – 17.5m1 1Maximum drill depth is 17.5 m and the deeper holes typically finished in the gravel aquifer.
The Discharge Zone stratigraphy is summarized as: General Stratigraphy - Discharge Zone • Sand and gravel aquifer, mapped at surface, thickness not known Recharge ZoneThe Recharge Zone is defined by very flat surface gradients, numerous sinkholes and no bauxite.
Sand and gravel found on site shall not be used for this earthfill.