Examples of Sand Mining in a sentence
We declare that after singing the Sand Mining Agreement shall commence the sand mining production as per time period mentioned in the RFP.
We declare that after acceptance of LOI, shall arrange all the statutory approval such as Mining Plan/ Obtaining the environment clearance, CTO/CTE etc., to commence the production of sand and enter into the Sand Mining Agreement by submitting Performance Security, Additional Performance Security, if applicable and premium fee guarantee as per time period mentioned in the RFP.
As per the West Bengal Sand Mining Policy – 2021 (West Bengal Gazette Notification No. 284- ICEIO/MIN/GEN-MlS/02/2021 dated 30-07-21) and West Bengal Sand (Mining, Transportation, Storage and Sale) Rules, 2021, as per The West Bengal Gazette Notification No.: 48-ICE/O/MIN/GEN- MIS/17/2021.dated 25.01.2022 sand deposits have been given to WBMDTCL on management basis.
As per the West Bengal Sand Mining Policy – 2021 (West Bengal Gazette notification No. 284- ICEIO/MIN/GEN-MlS/02/2021 dated 30-07-21) and West Bengal Sand (Mining, Transportation, Storage and Sale) Rules, 2021, as per The West Bengal Gazette notification No No.: 48-ICE/O/MIN/GEN- MIS/17/2021.dated 25.01.2022 sand deposits have been given to WBMDTCL on management basis.
The Government of Telangana formulated Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015 (TSSMR– 2015) vide G.O. Ms. No.3, dated 08-01-2015, Industries & Commerce Department and subsequent Abedment made in G.Os. The Raising Contractor shall comply all the Rules of TSSMR – 2015 and also comply with the Sand Mining Policy guidelines as issued in G.
We declare that after acceptance of LOI, shall arrange all the statutory approval such as Mining Plan/ Obtaining the environment clearance , CTO/CTE etc to commence the production of sand and enter into the Sand Mining Agreement by submitting Performance Security, Additional Performance Security, if applicable and premium fee guarantee as per time period mentioned in the RFP.
The successful Bidder shall obtain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, etc., before the commencement of work as required under Telangana State Sand Mining Rules,2015, for the execution of the work and of anything required to be done to execute the work.
The successful Bidder shall obtain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, etc., before the commencement of work as required under Telangana State Sand Mining Rules, 2015, for the execution of the work and of anything required to be done to execute the work.
Chapter – 4Anticipated Environmental Impact AssessmentDEIA for Ordinary Sand Mining ClusterSamadra Block A to F at Riverbed of Vatrak River Village- Samadra, Taluka- Kheda,District- Kheda (Gujarat).
The Bidder will maintain all the statutory registers under the above Acts / Enactments and Rules and Regulations and will submit the same to the Sand Reach Officer regularly.The successful Bidder shall obtain all necessary licenses, permits, approvals, etc., before the commencement of work as required under Telangana State Sand Mining Rules,2015, for the execution of the work and of anything required to be done to execute the work.