Local Access and Transport Area or "LATA” has the meaning given to the term in the Act.
Local Access and Transport Area (LATA) Shall have the meaning set forth in 47 U.S.C.
ISP-Bound Traffic means Telecommunications traffic exchanged between CLEC and AT&T-21STATE in which the originating End User of one Party and the ISP served by the other Party are:
Land treatment facility means a facility or part of a facility at which hazardous waste is applied onto or incorporated into the soil surface; such facilities are disposal facilities if the waste will remain after closure.
Fresh water means water, such as tap water, that has not been previously used in a process operation or, if the water has been recycled from a process operation, it has been treated and meets the effluent guidelines for chromium wastewater.
Drainage area means a geographic area within which stormwater, sediments, or dissolved materials drain to a particular receiving waterbody or to a particular point along a receiving waterbody.
mean high water springs or “MHWS” means the highest level which spring tides reach on average over a period of time;
Storage area means any location, facility, or vehicle which is used to store, to transport, or to secure a radiographic exposure device, a storage container, or a sealed source when it is not in use and which is locked or has a physical barrier to prevent accidental exposure, tampering with, or unauthorized removal of the device, container, or source.
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
Diatomaceous earth filtration means a process resulting in substantial particulate removal in which (1) a precoat cake of diatomaceous earth filter media is deposited on a support membrane (septum), and (2) while the water is filtered by passing through the cake on the septum, additional filter media known as body feed is continuously added to the feed water to maintain the permeability of the filter cake.
Surface waters means water on the surface of the ground where water does not usually accumulate in ordinary watercourses, lakes, or ponds. This includes any waterborne objects.
Lateral Access Road Licence means a miscellaneous licence granted pursuant to subclause (6)(a)(ii) or subclause (6)(b) as the case may be and according to the requirements of the context describes the area of land from time to time the subject of that licence;
Slope means the inclination of a surface expressed as one unit of rise or fall for so many horizontal units;
Lateral Access Roads has the meaning given in subclause (3)(a)(iv));
Navigable waters ’ means the waters of the United States, including the territorial sea;
Seasonal high water table means the level below the natural surface of the ground to which water seasonally rises in the soil in most years.
Transit village means a community with a bus, train, light rail,
South Caucasus/Central and South Asian (SC/CASA) state means Armenia, Azerbaijan, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Pakistan, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, or Uzbekistan.
deposits townsite means the townsite to be established on or near the mining areas pursuant to this Agreement;
Loading Zone means a parking stall which is set aside for use by commercial vehicles if there is a sign referable to that stall marked ‘Loading Zone’;
Double Phase Aerosol Air Freshener means an aerosol air freshener with the liquid contents in two or more distinct phases that requires the product container be shaken before use to mix the phases, producing an emulsion.
Gate means any structure or device located to limit or prohibit access or entry to any cave.
Sedimentation means a process for removal of solids before filtration by gravity or separation.
energy storage means, in the electricity system, deferring the final use of electricity to a moment later than when it was generated, or the conversion of electrical energy into a form of energy which can be stored, the storing of such energy, and the subsequent reconversion of such energy into electrical energy or use as another energy carrier;
Cluster means the Group of exchanges/ cluster of contiguous exchanges.
Generation Owner means a Member that owns, leases with rights equivalent to ownership, or otherwise controls and operates one or more operating generation resources located in the PJM Region. The foregoing notwithstanding, for a planned generation resource to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner, such resource shall have cleared an RPM auction, and for Energy Resources, the resource shall have a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM. Purchasing all or a portion of the output of a generation resource shall not be sufficient to qualify a Member as a Generation Owner. For purposes of Members Committee sector classification, a Member that is primarily a retail end- user of electricity that owns generation may qualify as a Generation Owner if: (1) the generation resource is the subject of a FERC-jurisdictional interconnection agreement or wholesale market participation agreement within PJM; (2) the average physical unforced capacity owned by the Member and its affiliates over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average PJM capacity obligation of the Member and its affiliates over the same time period; and (3) the average energy produced by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the five Planning Periods immediately preceding the relevant Planning Period exceeds the average energy consumed by the Member and its affiliates within PJM over the same time period.