Examples of SBC ARKANSAS in a sentence
As used herein, SBC ARKANSAS means Southwestern Bell Telephone, L.P. d/b/a SBC Arkansas, the applicable SBC-owned ILEC doing business in Arkansas.
As this is a pilot study, we plan to enroll up to 40 parent-child dyads (20 in the intervention group and 20 in the control group).
All services made available to CLEC by SBC ARKANSAS for resale pursuant to the Agreement (Resale services) will be subject to the terms and conditions set forth in the Agreement and in this Attachment 1: Resale, and in its appendices Services/Pricing, Customized Routing - Resale, DA - Resale, OS - Resale and White Pages - Resale, (collectively referred to as “Attachment Resale” or “this Attachment”).
When the assistance of another Carrier’s operator is required, SBC ARKANSAS will attempt to reach the appropriate operator if the network facilities for inward assistance exist.
CLEC may arrange for additional directory distribution services with SBC ARKANSAS directory publishing affiliate, pursuant to terms and conditions agreed to by the publisher and CLEC.
This page will be in alphabetical order with other local service providers and will be no different in style, size, color and format than SBC ARKANSAS information pages.
Maintenance will be provided by SBC ARKANSAS in accordance with the service parity requirements set forth in this Attachment 1: Resale and the requirements and standards set forth in Attachment 3: Maintenance-Resale.
Section 251(b)(5) Traffic and instead the transport and termination compensation for FX Traffic is subject to a Bill and Keep arrangement in SBC-2STATE, SBC MIDWEST REGION 5- STATE, SBC ARKANSAS, SBC KANSAS, SBC MISSOURI and SBC TEXAS.
When construction is involved, SBC ARKANSAS will obtain the CLEC’s approval prior to commencing construction under a CLEC’s order for such service.
CLEC shall provide SBC ARKANSAS with ninety (90) calendar days advance written notice of any assignment associated with a CLEC Company Code Change and obtain SBC ARKANSAS consent.