Scale of pay definition

Scale of pay means running scale of pay which, subject to any conditions prescribed in these Statutes, rises by periodical increments from a minimum to a maximum, recommended by UNIVERSITY GRANTS COMMISSION/AICTE/other apex bodies and accepted by Government from time to time;
Scale of pay means the pay band corresponding to the position of an Employee prescribed by the Institute from time to time.
Scale of pay means that the pay of the post starts at a minimum, increases by certain uniform amounts (called increments) at certain fixed period or intervals or time and reaches a maximum.

Examples of Scale of pay in a sentence

  • Scale of pay for Teaching faculty (to be enclosed): Sl. NoNameQualificationDesignationBasic payRs.DARs.HRARs.CCARs. 8.

  • When glass is broken apart and recycled to produce new glass products, extensive furnace use of melting down virgin materials (e.g., soda ash, limestone) is eliminated.

  • Scale of pay has been introduced for part time contingent employees for the first time.

  • Scale of pay for Teaching faculty (to be enclosed): Sl. NoNameQualificationDesignationBasic pay Rs.DARs.HRARs.CCARs. 8.

  • Scale of pay for teaching faculty (to be enclosed) Sl. No`NameQualificationDesign- ationBasic pay Rs.DARs.HRARs.CCARs.Other allowance Rs.DeductionsBank A/C NoPANNo.EPFA/C No.Total Signature PTTDSEPF 7.

  • Organization Designation Whether permanent, temporary or on probation Date of Joining Scale of pay Rs. Pay Rs. Total emoluments (per month) Rs.

  • Scale of pay of University employees 5.5 Power with regard to service matters like issue of certificate of experience and/or completion of probation period, to allow crossing of efficiency bar, to allow periodical increment and grant of leave, shall be exercised by the authority/Officer/Head of the Department which has been delegated the power of appointment or a person authorised in this behalf.

  • The Scale of pay admissible to the members of the Service shall be as shown in Schedule-I, subject to revision by the State Government from time to time.

  • Certified that this Animal Welfare Organization is not receiving grant/donations from the AWBI, Whereas, the following proposal was moved for upgradation of pay scales of Forest Frontline officials of the Goa Forest Department: Sr. Category of post Present Proposed Scale No. Scale of pay of pay 1.

  • Scale of pay for Teaching faculty (to be enclosed): Sl. NoNameQualificationDesignationBasicpay Rs.DARs.HRARs.CCARs.(Annexure-XIV) 8.

More Definitions of Scale of pay

Scale of pay means the pay scale which has been made applicable to the different categories of the employees or officers of the Corporation by the Government or the Corporation.
Scale of pay means the scale as reflected in column 2 of the Schedule-I;

Related to Scale of pay

  • Basic health benefit plan means any plan offered to an individual, a small group,

  • Open enrollment means a period of time as defined in rule

  • Policy Year means the period of time these Terms and Benefits are in force. The first Policy Year shall be the period from the Policy Effective Date to the day immediately preceding the first Renewal Date as specified in the Policy Schedule (both days inclusive) within one (1) year period; and each subsequent Policy Year shall be the one (1) year period from each Renewal Date.

  • Basic health plan means the plan described under chapter

  • Eligible patient means an individual who meets all of the following conditions:

  • Basic health care services means in and out-of-area emergency services, inpatient hospital and