Intake definition
Intake means “Sanctioned Intake”.
Intake means the initial meeting between a Client and CONTRACTOR’s staff, and includes 21 an evaluation of the Client to determine if the Client meets program criteria and is willing to seek 22 services.
Intake means the initial face-to-face meeting between a Client and CONTRACTOR staff in 29 which specific information about the Client is gathered including the ability to pay and standard 30 admission forms pursuant to this Agreement.
Examples of Intake in a sentence
If Grantee suspects abuse, neglect or exploitation, Grantee shall report to the Department of Family and Protective Services Statewide Intake phone number at 000-000-0000, or Texas Abuse Hotline website at xxxxx://
Workers assigned to work out of Early Intake bunkhouse will be provided meals and lodging when the bunkhouse is open.
More Definitions of Intake
Intake means the initial meeting between a Participant and a worker to evaluate a Participant’s 18 issue of concern and determine how a program could best meet his/her needs.
Intake means the initial face-to-face meeting between a Resident and CONTRACTOR staff 25 in which specific information about the Resident is gathered, including the ability to pay and standard 26 admission forms pursuant to the Contract.
Intake means the preliminary screening of complaints by an intake officer to determine whether the court should take some action and if so, what action.
Intake. The process of determining that a Client meets the medical necessity criteria and a 5 analysis of substance use disorders; the diagnosis of substance use disorders; and the assessment of 6 treatment needs to provide medically necessary services. Intake may include a physical examination and 7 laboratory testing necessary for substance use disorder treatment.
Intake means a function of the PCSA through which referrals of: alleged child abuse, neglect, dependency and family in need of services are received, screened, and prioritized; and information and/or referral is categorized.
Intake means the quantity of petroleum received into the refinery from tankers;
Intake means the initial meeting between a Consumer and CONTRACTOR’s staff and 8 includes an evaluation to determine if the Consumer meets program criteria and is willing to seek 9 services.