Scaling Sample Clauses
Scaling. “Scaling,” as used herein, involves:
Scaling. The PLCB drawings are not to be scaled for dimensional information. Dimensional questions of any kind, along with any discovered conflicts or discrepancies related to same, shall be brought to the attention of the PLCB before proceeding with the work in question.
Scaling. Scaling includes:
a) Various volume determination methods, such as log rule, sampling, measuring, linear measuring, counting, weighing, or another method or combination of methods;
b) Various sites, such as truck Scaling stations, rollways, weighing stations, xxxxx landings, water Scaling stations, or other sites.
c) Various geographic locations.
Scaling. A. All forest products harvested under the terms of this contract shall be presented at such locations and scaled and/or weighed in such manner as mutually agreed to in writing before start of hauling operations.
B. All forest products sold by volume measurement (MBF) shall be scaled utilizing the Xxxxxxxx Decimal C Rules, in accordance with Idaho State Board of Scaling practices. All scalers shall be licensed in the State of Idaho.
C. All forest products sold by weight (Tons) shall be measured on certified scales with current certifications from the State Division of Weights and Measures.
D. Purchaser shall pay all costs associated with required scaling, weighing and data transmission.
E. Potlatch reserves the right to check scale at its expense all logs delivered any time during normal working hours and may make an appropriate adjustment to scale with the corresponding correction to payment. Purchaser, at its own expense, may verify check scaling with an independent check-scaler.
F. Scalers shall not make any deduction for any defect caused by the negligence of Purchaser.
G. Purchaser shall provide weekly weight and/or scale tickets for each delivered load.
H. Scalers shall scale combination logs to maximize the volume of the highest valued product. Both products contained within the combination log will be recorded for payment.
Scaling. Prior to removal from the Sale Area, Buyer shall mark all logs with a distinctive brand of a character and in a manner mutually agreeable to Buyer and Seller. All logs removed shall be scaled by the Official Rules. Buyer shall promptly make a written request to said Bureau for the Special Scale of logs described as Xxxxxxx-fir special cull logs and blocks, wormy cedar, white wood and Xxxxxxx-fir utility logs, in accordance with Official Rules of said Bureau and shall also request that all logs qualifying as Number-4 sawmill grade in the General Scaling and Grading Rules of the Official Rules be scaled and reported so as to indicate the volume of logs which meet a minimum net of 20 board feet or more. Scaling shall be performed at such point or points as are determined by Seller. No logs shall be removed therefrom until scaling has been completed. The cost of scaling shall be borne by Xxxxx. Buyer shall arrange for and carry out a system of load tickets for reporting each load of logs trucked from the Sale Area. For each truckload removed, there shall be prepared at the point of loading, at least in triplicate, a serially numbered ticket showing for that particular truckload, its destination, the date, the number of logs of each species and the total number of logs. Additional data desired by Buyer may be added. The truck driver shall carry one copy, which shall be subject to examination by Seller, until the logs have been dumped or delivered, and one copy shall be made promptly available to Seller. Seller may at any time, at points agreed upon with Xxxxx, examine any truckload of logs from the Sale Area to check the branding and to compare the logs on the truck with truckload tickets. All costs of furnishing copies of all individual scale tickets and Bureau Certificates to the Seller’s representative will be borne by the Buyer. Xxxxx agrees to have the Scaling Bureau make available to the Seller’s representative the log truck ticket detail and weekly summary. Xxxxx will transmit such information to the Seller’s representative electronically. Buyer will have the Scaling Bureau furnish directly to the Seller’s representative a copy of each scale certificate and detail sheet prepared by the Scaling Bureau showing gross and net scale for each species and grade of logs removed from the Sale Area during the period reported. All data transmitted by the Scaling Bureau to the Seller’s representative will be at Buyer’s expense. Logs bucked in lengths 41-feet plus tr...
Scaling. The Logo must always be resized proportionally and must not be reduced to a readable width of less than one-inch for the vertical version or one-and-one-half inches for the horizontal version.
Scaling. The volume and grade of Logs Delivered by the Seller will be determined by the Purchaser’s scalers in accordance with the Northwest Log Rules Advisory Group.
Scaling. 10.1 Standard rules: Determination of volume of timber cut will be made in accordance with standard log scaling rules employed in the general marketing area, except as otherwise provided. Purchaser shall require scaling bureau to grade oversize 3 mill (also known as 3M 12"+) as a separate grade.
Scaling. The Company shall supply scale sheets to employees itemizing each pile on separate scale slips. When a dispute over the scale arises, it shall be dealt with, in the first instance by the Company Check Scaler, the employees involved and the Camp Xxxxxxx. The check scale must be called for by the employees within fourteen (14) calendar days receiving the original scale slip and then must be completed and returned to the employees within fourteen (14) calendar days after their immediate supervisor. The maximum relative scaling variation is plus or minus (+/- ) four percent (4%) on stack scale and no adjustments will be made unless the variation exceeds plus or minus four percent (4%) in which case the actual pile as scaled will be adjusted accordingly to reflect the difference. If no agreement is reached it shall be dealt with by the Chief Scaler, Union Business Agent or his appointee, the employees involved and a licensed Manitoba Scaler agreed upon by both parties. The tree length deck will be slashed or bucked into 16'6" and 8'6" lengths and will be by this licensed scaler. On the third (3rd) and final binding cube scale if it differs the original scale by more than plus or minus three percent (3%) of the original scale, the original scale will be adjusted accordingly and the cost for the independent scaler will be charged to the party who was out of favour with the final and binding scale. In the event the Manitoba Scaling Manual is changed to provide for scaling this clause will be reviewed to reflect the A Committee will be formed consisting of the Woodlands Manager, Business Agent of the Union, one employee representing the Company and one employee representing the to meet as required Pieceworkers intending to quit shall give the Company Xxxxxxx reasonable notice of leaving and the scalers shall scale him up within three (3) days. Such time limit shall be exclusive of Sundays and holidays. It is understood the intent of this section is that the Company will endeavour to have the pieceworkers final scale completed and the worker paid in accordance with the final scale prior to the worker leaving the operation.
Scaling. Scaling as used in these provisions may include various volume determination methods including, but not limited to, log rule, measuring, counting, weighing, sampling, and tree measurement before felling or any reasonable method prescribed by the Approving Officer. Products presented for scaling in other than sawlog form shall be measured as provided for in the contract.