Examples of Schedule of Meetings in a sentence
The Commission shall adopt an annual Schedule of Meetings and Filing Dates of the regularly scheduled Commission and Committee meetings each year and deadlines for filing applications for placement on a meeting agenda (the “Schedule of Meeting and Filing Dates”).
The Schedule of Meetings and Filing Dates shall be maintained by the Department (see Article 3.1(B) of the Unified Development Ordinance) and shall be approved by the Commission no later than their first December meeting of each year.
Any Standing Order except No. 8, (Changes to Schedule of Meetings), 10 (Order of Business- Annual Meetings), 46 (Next Business, Closure and Adjournment) and 60 (Respect for Chair and Chair’s Decision) may be suspended by a majority of the Councillors present, subject to the usual rules of debate.
In addition, the Schedule of Meetings, on a quarterly basis, has been placed on Council website.
For requests submitted after that deadline, the Schedule of Meetings Service shall consider, together with the Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, applying partly or fully a non-standard interpretation profile.
In accordance with Chapter 231, Public Law of 1975, adequate advance written notice of the meeting was made by posting the Schedule of Meetings in the main floor lobby of the Board of Education Administrative Offices, and by delivery to the Asbury Park Press, the Coaster and the Neptune Township Municipal Clerk.
For new requests submitted after that deadline, the Schedule of Meetings Service shall consider, together with the Directorate-General for Logistics and Interpretation for Conferences, applying partly or fully a non-standard interpretation profile, unless the relevant resources have become available as a result of a cancellation in the same slot or if the request concerns a slot of low activity12.
Schedule of Meetings The Board of Education shall hold an annual organizational meeting in November of each year, at which time a President and Vice-President shall be elected from the membership of the Board.
APPENDICESAppendix I: Schedule of Meetings The following is a suggested schedule of meetings to begin the harbor planning process.
Pre-Adoption Policy 2.1 The Cabinet shall publicise in the Council’s Annual Schedule of Meetings a timetable for making proposals to the Council for the adoption of any plan, strategy or budget that forms part of the budget and policy framework, and its arrangements for consultation after publication of those initial proposals.