UNION COMMITTEE AND. OFFICERS SPECIAL DAYS OFF Employees who are members of any committee of the employees, or are officers of any Association of the employees, or delegates to a convention of street railwaymen, shall be entitled to a leave of absence for the purpose of attending the convention or of doing any such committee work without losing any privilege, if they give notice to the Employer which is reasonable in the opinion of the Employer or his Department Head or Assistant Department Head stating that they desire to be relieved of their runs or other work, and if the Company, or his Department Head or Assistant Department Head is satisfied that said runs may be filled or other work performed without disturbing the service or business of the Employer. The Employer recognizes the Union President's responsibility to conduct Union business. Any employee elected to the office of International Officer in the International Association, known as the Amalgamated Transit Union, the duties of which International Officer require his absence from Company work, shall retain his seniority rights, and upon such employee's retirement from such international office such employee shall be allowed to return to the Company's employ, subject, however, to qualification at the time of his application to return to the Employer's employ.
UNION COMMITTEE AND. It is mutually agreed that where negotiations for the renewal of this collective agreement are conducted between the Company and the the Union will. elect or otherwise select a negotiating committee consisting of four representatives, one of which shall be the Chief Xxxxxxx. members of the committee shall be employees of the Company who have completed their probationary period. The Company will reimburse these employees for from working while negotiating with the up to and including conciliation. The Company a Union Commit- tee which shall consist of a Chief Xxxxxxx and six stewards selected from the members of the bargaining unit, not more than two of which committee members meet with the Management at any one time. The Company shall be of the names of members of this and shall be notified of any changes from time to time. members of the committee shall be time employees of the Company who have completed their probationary period . The Union acknowledges that the members of the Union Administrative Committee must continue to perform their regular duties, and that activities of the Committee will be carried on outside the regular working hours of the members hereof, unless otherwise mutually arranged. The privileges of the stewards to leave their work without loss of basic pay to attend to Union business granted on the conditions: Such business must be the Union and the Management. Employees cannot dis- cuss these with the stewards in working hours, except in the case of a discharged employee. The time shall be devoted to the prompt handling of necessary Union business. The xxxxxxx concerned shall obtain the permission of the xxxxxxx concerned before leaving his work, S u c h permission shall not be unreasonably withheld. The time away from productive work shall be reported in accordance with time keeping methods of the men-t in which the xxxxxxx is employed. The Company reserves the right to limit such time if it deems -the time so taken to be excessive.
UNION COMMITTEE AND. The Employer will recognize: Seven (7) Stewards, plus the Chief to represent the following geographic areas of the County: Falls Fort Erie Port
UNION COMMITTEE AND. Where the Employer operates more than one Nursing Home and negotiations for any renewal or extension of this Agreement are conducted on a joint basis between any or all of the Nursing Homes, the Union will elect or otherwise select a Nego- tiating Committee consisting of one representative from each Nursing Home. An employee and member of the Negotiating Commit- tee shall be paid his regular rate for all regularly scheduled working hours lost due to attending negotiations of this Agree- ment or its successor, including all conciliation proceedings but excluding any arbitration proceedings. Where negotiations are carried on individually for any or all of the Employer's Nursing Homes or where the Employer oper- ates only one Nursing Home, it is agreed that the Union may elect or otherwise select a Negotiating Committee of one employee. The Employer will pay the regular rate of pay for no more than one employee member of the Negotiating Committee for all regularly scheduled working hours lost due to attending negotiations of this Agreement or its successor, including all conciliation proceedings but excluding any arbitration proceed- ings. The Employer and the Union accept and agree that one member of the bargaining unit appointed or elected by the Union or the members of the bargaining unit, together with the busi- ness agent of the Local of the Union shall comprise a Union Com- mittee. The employee so designated shall perform the duties of a Xxxxxxx. Each such employee shall have a minimum of six months' seniority and will have completed the probationary period. The Employer acknowledges the right of the Union and the Xxxxxxx to assist employees in dealing with or representing grievances to the Employer or its representatives. The Union acknowledges that the Xxxxxxx has regular duties to perform on behalf of the Employer and that such person will not leave their regular duties without notifying their Supervisor. The Xxxxxxx may be permitted by his Supervisor during working hours to leave his/her post during working hours to assist in the presentation of a grievance. Such consent shall not be unreasonably withheld by the Supervisor. The Xxxxxxx may be allowed by the Employer such reasonable time as is necessary while in conference with the Employer respecting negotiations for any renewal or extension of this Agreement, or the presentation or processing of any grievance in accordance with the provisions of this Agreement. It is understood and agreed that the ...


  • Union Committee The Union shall appoint and maintain a Committee comprising persons who are employees of the Employer, and/or the Senior Union Official, or her/his representative, which shall be known as the Union Committee. The Union at all times shall keep the Employer informed of the individual membership of the Committee.

  • TRANSITION COMMITTEE A transition committee comprised of the employee representatives and the employer representatives, including the Crown, will be established by January 31, 2016 to address all matters that may arise in the creation of the Trust.

  • Union/Management Committee There shall be a union/management committee comprised of four (4) employee representatives appointed by the Union and four (4) employer representatives. The Committee's purpose is to provide and promote effective and meaningful communication of information and ideas and to make joint recommendations on matters of concern. Matters that are properly the subject of an individual grievance will not be discussed at this committee. The Committee will meet quarterly, unless agreed otherwise, at a time and place mutually agreed to provided there is business for their joint consideration. The parties will exchange agenda items at least one (1) week prior to the meeting. The parties further agree the Committee may meet at any time its members mutually agree a meeting should be held. The duties of the Chairperson will be shared by the parties. Copies of the minutes shall be provided to Committee members. The employer agrees to pay for time spent during regular working hours for representatives of the union attending such meetings. The parties may utilize video or teleconferencing services for the purposes of committee members attending committee meetings, where appropriate and available. Neither party can unreasonably deny an initiative to utilize video or teleconferencing services.

  • Compensation Committee (A) The Compensation Committee shall be composed of not more than five (5) members who shall be selected by the Board of Directors from its own members who are not officers of the Company and who shall hold office during the pleasure of the Board. (B) The Compensation Committee shall in general advise upon all matters of policy concerning the Company brought to its attention by the management and from time to time review the management of the Company, major organizational matters, including salaries and employee benefits and specifically shall administer the Executive Incentive Compensation Plan. (C) Meetings of the Compensation Committee may be called at any time by the Chairman of the Compensation Committee, the Chairman of the Board of Directors, or the President of the Company.

  • Labour Management Committee (a) Where the parties mutually agree that there are matters of mutual concern and interest that would be beneficial if discussed at a Labour Management Committee Meeting during the term of this Agreement, the following shall apply. (b) An equal number of representatives of each party as mutually agreed shall meet at a time and place mutually satisfactory. A request for a meeting hereunder will be made in writing prior to the date proposed and accompanied by an agenda of matters proposed to be discussed, which shall not include matters that are properly the subject of grievance or negotiations for the amendment or renewal of this agreement. Any representative(s) attending such meetings during their regularly scheduled hours of work shall not lose regular earnings as a result of such attendance. (c) It is agreed that the topic of a rehabilitation program for drug and alcohol abuse is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. It is also agreed that the topic of the utilization of full-time and part-time staff is an appropriate topic for the Labour-Management Committee. The committee shall have access to work schedules and job postings upon request. (d) It is understood that joint meetings with other Labour-Management Committees in the Hospital may be scheduled concerning issues of mutual interest if satisfactory to all concerned. (e) Where two or more agreements exist between a Hospital and CUPE the Committee may be a joint one representing employees under both agreements, unless otherwise agreed.

  • Joint Consultation Committee 8.01 On the request of either party, the parties must meet at least once every four (4) months, for the purpose of discussing issues relating to the workplace that affect the parties or any employee bound by the Agreement. 8.02 The purpose of the consultation committee is to promote the cooperative resolution of workplace issues, to xxxxxx the development of work related skills and to promote workplace productivity, and to identify opportunities for improved patient care. 8.03 Up to two (2) employees who are members of the joint consultation committee shall be granted leave without loss of pay or receive straight time regular wages while attending meetings of the committee, up to a maximum of two (2) hours’ pay. 8.04 Pay for such meetings will be limited to two (2) hours and employees attending such meetings will not receive overtime wages.

  • JOINT LABOUR MANAGEMENT COMMITTEE A Joint Labour Management Committee shall be established to attend to those matters which are of mutual interest. To ensure its effectiveness the Committee shall be separate and apart from the grievance procedure.

  • Bargaining Committee A bargaining committee of no more than three (3) employees and one (1) alternate may be selected by the Union.

  • Union Bargaining Committee A Union Bargaining Committee shall be appointed by the Union and shall consist of up to three (3) members of the Union together with the President of the Union or her designate. The Union shall have the right at any time to have the assistance of members of the staff of the Union when negotiating with the Employer.

  • Negotiation Committee (A) The Union may designate certain employees to serve on its Negotiation Committee, and such employees will be granted administrative leave to attend negotiating sessions with the state. No employee shall be credited with more than the number of hours in the employee's regular workday for any day the employee is in negotiations. The agency shall not reimburse employees for travel, meals, lodging, or any expense incurred in connection with attendance at negotiating sessions. (B) No more than one employee shall be selected from the same work unit at any one time, nor shall the selection of an employee unduly hamper the operations of the work unit.