Examples of Screening date in a sentence
Screening date and results (Mental Health, Substance Use, Traumatic Brain Injury, Trauma, and Suicidality) for all individuals who screen “positive” for a mental health disorder or substance use disorder.
The administrative case manager will document the Health Status Screening date and determination in the participant’s activity log in USTEPS.
An employee’s new Classification Seniority for Screening date will be determined by his/her earliest date on the above-mentioned Classification Seniority lists, if the employee has multiple different dates.
If, after the initial screening, the Committee determines that additional applicants are necessary to continue with the selection process, OHR will be notified and OHR will forward all completed applications received since the First Initial Screening Date, up to a new established date for accepting applications (the Hiring Manager, in consultation with OHR, will establish a new Initial Screening date.
Screening date for the WisdomTree Korea Hedged Equity Index is the duration of time after the close of trading on the last trading day in February, and before the open of trading on the next trading day.
When a position is determined as “open until filled,” the Hiring Manager, in consultation with OHR will establish an Initial Screening date (First Review Date to consider the complete applications received).
Provider name: Provider number: Contract type: Facility contact: Screening date: Please note: By checking the boxes below, the local office attests all required actions were taken.
Screening date for the International Equity Indexes occurs after the close of trading on the last trading day in May; for Global Dividend Indexes after the close of trading on the last trading day in September.
The Renter is responsible for using the lock provided and shall ensure that the lock is in working order when the locker rental has been terminated.
The email notification must include the following information: - Subject initials and/or local tracking number (depending on site/local regulations) - Tumor type- Year of birth- Planned Consent / Screening date and- Anticipated start dateA slot will not be held for any subject if the above information is not available.