Agricultural activities means agricultural uses and practices including, but not limited to: Producing, breeding, or increasing agricultural products; rotating and changing agricultural crops; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie fallow in which it is plowed and tilled but left unseeded; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie dormant as a result of adverse agricultural market conditions; allowing land used for agricultural activities to lie dormant because the land is enrolled in a local, state, or federal conservation program, or the land is subject to a conservation easement; conducting agricultural operations; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural equipment; maintaining, repairing, and replacing agricultural facilities, provided that the replacement facility is no closer to the shoreline than the original facility; and maintaining agricultural lands under production or cultivation;
Environmental Activities means the use, generation, transportation, handling, discharge, production, treatment, storage, release or disposal of any Hazardous Materials at any time to or from any portion of the Premises or located on or present on or under any portion of the Premises.
Commercial Activities means activities conducted on a commercial basis.
Motor Sport Activities means any motor sport activities or Recreational Services which are permitted or approved which CAMS regulates or administers by CAMS or otherwise under the responsibility / control of CAMS;
High Risk Activities means uses such as the operation of nuclear facilities, air traffic control, or life support systems, where the use or failure of the Services could lead to death, personal injury, or environmental damage.
Environmental Activity means any activity, event or circumstance in respect of a Contaminant, including, without limitation, its storage, use, holding, collection, purchase, accumulation, assessment, generation, manufacture, construction, processing, treatment, stabilization, disposition, handling or transportation, or its Release, escape, leaching, dispersal or migration into the natural environment, including the movement through or in the air, soil (land surface or subsurface strata), surface water or groundwater;
Power production activities means any business operation that involves a project commissioned by the government of Iran whose purpose is to facilitate power generation and delivery, including, but not limited to, establishing power-generating plants or hydroelectric dams, selling or installing components for the project, providing service contracts related to the installation or maintenance of the project, as well as facilitating such activities, including by providing supplies or services in support of such activities.
Agricultural activity means the production, rearing or growing of agricultural products including harvesting, milking, breeding animals and keeping animals for farming purposes, or maintaining the land in good agricultural and environmental condition as estab lished in Article 6;
These courses also satisfy an MTA area Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; HUM 150, 175, 221; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 109, 123, 150, 210, 230, 235, 240, 270; PLS 211; PSY 107, 251, 270; SOC 205, 206, 216. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 Choose one from: CPS 141 or 171 ............................................ 4 COSC 000 or COSC 246 University Elective 4 * MTH 192 Calculus II ........................................................... 4 MATH 121 Calculus II 4 * MTH 293 Calculus III (Math Restricted Elective) ................ 4 MATH 223 Multivariable Calculus 4 * MTH 295 Differential Equations (Math Restricted Elective) 4 MATH 325 Differential Equations (3)+1 4 * PHY 222 Analytical Physics II ............................................ 5 PHY 224 Electricity and Light 5 CEM 122 General Chemistry II ........................................... 4 CHEM 123 and 124 Chemistry II University Elective 4 ENG 226 Composition II ..................................................... 3 WRTG 225 University Elective 3 * CPS 161 An Introduction to Programming with Java ......... 4 COSC 111/112 Introduction to Programming (3)+1 4 1 CPS 261 Adv Java Concepts (Computer Engr only).......0-4 COSC 211/212 Intro to Prgmng (3)+1(Comp Engr only) 0-4 * MTH 197 Linear Algebra..................................................... 4 MATH 122 Elementary Linear Algebra (3)+1 4 Open Electives or Math/Science pre-requisites ......................1-8 University Electives 1-8
Petroleum Operations means, as the context may require, Exploration Operations, Development Operations or Production Operations or any combination of two or more of such operations, including construction, operation and maintenance of all necessary facilities, plugging and abandonment of Xxxxx, safety, environmental protection, transportation, storage, sale or disposition of Petroleum to the Delivery Point, Site Restoration and any or all other incidental operations or activities as may be necessary.
Industrial Activity means activities subject to NPDES Industrial Permits as defined in 40 CFR, Section 122.26 (b)(14).
Production Facilities (7 9) means "production equipment" and specially designed software therefor integrated into installations for "development" or for one or more phases of "production".
Exploration means all activities directed toward ascertaining the existence, location, quantity, quality or commercial value of deposits of Products.
Oil and Gas Business means the business of exploiting, exploring for, developing, acquiring, operating, producing, processing, gathering, marketing, storing, selling, hedging, treating, swapping, refining and transporting hydrocarbons and other related energy businesses.
Development Area means that area to which a development plan is applicable.
CBM means Capacity Benefit Margin.
Transportation Facilities means any physical facility that moves or assist in the movement of people or goods including facilities identified in OAR 660-012-0020 but excluding electricity, sewage, and water systems.
Commercial activity means any activity or employment of the vessel for which a contract or charter party is in force and includes the carriage of any cargo or persons for reward;
exploration area means that part of the Area allocated to the Contractor for exploration, described in schedule 1 hereto, as the same may be reduced from time to time in accordance with this contract and the Regulations;
Cannabis plant means any plant of the genus Cannabis;
Mine means to carry on an operation with a view to, or for the purpose of—
Measured Mineral Resource means that part of a Mineral Resource for which quantity, grade or quality, densities, shape, and physical characteristics are so well established that they can be estimated with confidence sufficient to allow the appropriate application of technical and economic parameters, to support production planning and evaluation of the economic viability of the deposit. The estimate is based on detailed and reliable exploration, sampling and testing information gathered through appropriate techniques from locations such as outcrops, trenches, pits, workings and drill holes that are spaced closely enough to confirm both geological and grade continuity.
Massive Multiauthor Collaboration Site (or “MMC Site”) means any World Wide Web server that publishes copyrightable works and also provides prominent facilities for anybody to edit those works. A public wiki that anybody can edit is an example of such a server. A “Massive Multiauthor Collaboration” (or “MMC”) contained in the site means any set of copyrightable works thus published on the MMC site.
Instrumental activities of daily living (IADL) means routine activities performed around the home or in the community and includes the following:
Coal means high-grade, medium-grade and low-grade category A and B coal within the meaning of the international codification system for coal established by the United Nations Economic Commission for Europe and clarified in the Council decision of 10 December 2010 on State aid to facilitate the closure of uncompetitive coal mines;
mining area means all those pieces of land containing two hundred and forty‑six (246) square miles or thereabouts situate in what is known to the parties as the “Xxx Xxxxx‑Siberia Nickel Laterite Area” the subject of the mineral claims applications for mineral claims and Temporary Reserves listed in the First Schedule hereto which are generally delineated and respectively coloured green and orange and red in the plan marked “X” signed by or on behalf of the parties for the purpose of identification;