These courses also satisfy an MTA area definition

These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Natural Science: BIOL 156; Humanities: ENGL 240, 255, 266; HUMAN 257; Social Sciences: ANTHR 152; GEOG 152; GWST 151; HIST 159, 173; POLSC 211, 252; SOC 253. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: BMGT 220; IAS 105 CIS 112 Database Software................................................... 3 BMMT 000 University Elective 3 * CIS 130 Introduction to Computer Info Systems (C4) ............ 3 IS 215 Information Systems for Business 3 CIS 150 Computer Science I.................................................. 4 COSC 246 University Elective 4 CIS 153 Desktop App Programming ...................................... 3 COSC 000 University Elective 3 CIS 183 Mobile App Development ......................................... 4 COSC 000 University Elective 4 CIS 184 Photoshop Graphics ................................................. 3 CMT 205 University Elective 3 CIS 209 Network Concepts .................................................... 3 CMT 305 University Elective 3 CIS 212 Full Stack Development ........................................... 3 COSC 000 University Elective 3 IAS 103 Information Security Principles ................................. 3 IA 103 University Elective 3 Additional CIS or IAS course ................................................... 3 University Elective 3 * ACCTG 151 Accounting Principles........................................ 4 ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting (3+1) 4 * ACCTG 152 Accounting Principles........................................ 4 ACC 241 Principles of Managerial Accounting (3)+1 4 * BSLW 251 Business Law (General Elective) ...................... 4 LAW 293 Legal Environment of Business (3) +1 4 * BMGT 202 Business Communication in Digital Age ........... 3 MGMT 202 Business Communication 3 * BUSAD 151 Introduction to Business.................................... 4 COB 200 Introduction to Business (3)+1 4 * ECON 252 Principles of Microeconomics ........................... 3 ECON 202 Principles of Microeconomics 3
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 242; HUM 150; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 108, 109, 123, 150, 230; PSY 251; SOC 205.These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 * ACC 111 Principles of Accounting I ............................................3 ACC 240 Principles of Financial Accounting 3 2 BMG 111 Business Law I ............................................................3 LAW 293 Legal Env of Business (Interdisciplinary Elective) 3 BMG 155 Business on the Internet .............................................3 AACR Gen University Elective 3 BMG 207 Business Communication............................................3 MGTM 202 University Elective 3 BOS 101CAdvanced Keyboarding ...............................................1 BMMT 000 University Elective 1 BOS 106 Electronic Planning, Sharing & Organization ..............3 BMMT 101 University Elective 3 BOS 157 Word Processing & Document Formatting I................3 BMMT 123 Document Creation and Communication 3 BOS 182 Database Software Applications .................................3 BMMT 000 University Elective 3 BOS 184 Spreadsheet Software Applications I ..........................3 BMMT 000 University Elective 3
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; HUM 150, 175, 221; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 109, 123, 150, 210, 230, 235, 240, 270; PLS 211; PSY 107, 251, 270; SOC 205, 206, 216. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 Choose one from: CPS 141 or 171 ............................................ 4 COSC 000 or COSC 246 University Elective 4 * MTH 192 Calculus II ........................................................... 4 MATH 121 Calculus II 4 * MTH 293 Calculus III (Math Restricted Elective) ................ 4 MATH 223 Multivariable Calculus 4 * MTH 295 Differential Equations (Math Restricted Elective) 4 MATH 325 Differential Equations (3)+1 4 * PHY 222 Analytical Physics II ............................................ 5 PHY 224 Electricity and Light 5 CEM 122 General Chemistry II ........................................... 4 CHEM 123 and 124 Chemistry II University Elective 4 ENG 226 Composition II ..................................................... 3 WRTG 225 University Elective 3 * CPS 161 An Introduction to Programming with Java ......... 4 COSC 111/112 Introduction to Programming (3)+1 4 1 CPS 261 Adv Java Concepts (Computer Engr only).......0-4 COSC 211/212 Intro to Prgmng (3)+1(Comp Engr only) 0-4 * MTH 197 Linear Algebra..................................................... 4 MATH 122 Elementary Linear Algebra (3)+1 4 Open Electives or Math/Science pre-requisites ......................1-8 University Electives 1-8

Examples of These courses also satisfy an MTA area in a sentence

  • These courses also satisfy an MTA area: Humanities: ART 224, 225, 226, 227; ENG 243, 248; PHIL 201; WR 233, 236; Social Science: ANTH 131, 151, 152, 154; GEOG 132; HIST 113, 243, 261; PHIL 201; POLS 152; PSY 296; SOC 152, 251.

  • These courses also satisfy an MTA area: Natural Science: BIO 138 (non-lab); Humanities: ART 224, 225, 226, 227; ENG 243, 248; PHIL 201; WR 233, 236; Social Science: ANTH 131, 151, 152, 154; GEOG 132; HIST 113, 243, 261; PHIL 201; POLS 152; PSY 296; SOC 152, 251; This course applies, but does not satisfy the MTA: BBA 250 BBA 110 Business Language Skills ..............................................

  • Complete one course from the following list if ANTHR 152 is not completed: These courses also satisfy an MTA area: Natural Science: BIOL 156; Humanities: ENGL 240, 255, 266; HUMAN 256, 257; Social Sciences: ANTHR 152; GEOG 152; HIST159, 173; POLSC 211, 252; SOC 253.

More Definitions of These courses also satisfy an MTA area

These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; FLM 150, 221; HUM 175; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 108, 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251, 270; SOC 205. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251; HUM 150, 221 CIS 120 Linux/UNIX I: Fundamentals (prev. CIS 121).......... 3 IA 212 Open Systems Platform & Network Admin 3 CIS 282 Database Principles and Application ...................... 3 IS 000 University Elective 3 * CPS 161 Introduction to Programming with Java................... 4 COSC 111/112 Introduction to Programming 4 * CPS 261 Advanced Java Concepts ....................................... 4 COSC 211212 Programming Data Structures 4 * CPS 276 Web Programming Using Apache, MySQL, & PHP 4 COSC 231 Internet-based Computing (3)+1 4 CPS 278 Java Server Programming ...................................... 4 IS 000 University Elective (or COSC 111/112) 4 CPS 251 Android Programming Using Java .......................... 4 IS 000 University Elective 4 CPS 298 Professional Team Programming ........................... 4 AACR Gen Credit 4
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; HUM 150, 175, 221; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 109, 123, 150, 210, 230, 235, 240, 270; PLS 211; PSY 107, 251, 270; SOC 205, 206, 216. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 GDT 100 Typography I 4 BMMT 000 University Elective 4 * GDT 104 Introduction to Graphic Design 4 CMT 121 Graphic Communication (3)+1 4 2*GDT 108 Photoshop Graphics (Restricted GD Elective) 3 CMT 205 Digital Photo-Technology (3)+1 3 GDT 112 Principles and Problem Solving in Graphic Design...4 CMT 000 University Elective 4 GDT 215 Typography II 3 BMMT 000 University Elective 3 3* GDT 220 Publication Design 4 CMT 427 Digital Imaging & Reproduction (3)+1 4 GDT 239 Imaging and Illustration 4 ADGD 000 University Elective 4 GDT 252 Advanced Digital Studio 4 CMT 318 University Elective 4 GDT 290 Professional Practices 4 CMT 000 University Elective 4 3* WEB 110 Web Development I (Restricted GD Elective) 4 CMT 421 Web Publishing Technology (3)+1 4 3* WEB 115 Introduction to Interface Design 4 CMT 301 Multimedia Authoring Techniques 4 WEB 215 Intermediate Interface Design 4 CMT 000 University Elective 4 * ACC 100 Accounting Practices for Business............................3 Subs for ACC 130 Acctg for Non-Business Majors 3 * COM 130 Intro to Mass Communication ...................................3 CTAT 130 Introduction to Electronic Media 3 VID 125 Foundations in Digital Video II (pre-req to VID 276) .4 CTAT 000 University Elective 4 * VID 276 Video Graphics I........................................................3 CMT 131 Intro to Computer Graphic Systems 3
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; HUM 150, 175, 221; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251, 270; SOC 205. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 * BIO 110 Introduction to Exercise Science ........................... 3 EXSC 144 Introduction to Exercise Science (2)+1 3
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; FLM 150, 221; HUM 175; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 108, 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251, 270; SOC 205. This course applies but does not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251. Students may complete any AA, AS, or AAS degree that includes the coursework below. The Liberal Arts Transfer is an option. * COM 101 Fundamentals of Speaking................................... 3 COMM 124 Foundations of Speech Communication 3 * COM 102 Interpersonal Communication............................... 3 COMM 227 Interpersonal Comm (Relational Comm or RE) 3 * COM 200 Family Communication ......................................... 3 COMM 373 Family Communication (Rest. Elective) 3 * COM 210 Nonverbal Communication ................................... 3 COMM 226 Nonverbal Comm (Relational Comm or RE) 3 * COM 225 Intercultural Communication................................. 3 COMM 274 Intercultural Communication (Cultural Comm) 3 Complete one course from the following: ................................ 3 Complete one course from the following: 3 * COM 142 Oral Interpretation of Literature CTAO 210 Interpretative Reading (Restricted Elective) COM 160 Voice and Articulation 3 CTAT 241 Broadcasting Announcing (Restricted Elective) Elective Courses ................................................................... 12 General Elective Credit 12 The BA in Communication requires a minor. EMU minors may be viewed in EMU’s catalog. Credit in this area will vary and depend on the minor you choose. Total credits transferred should not exceed 94 credits. Contact an advisor for advice on choosing a minor. To see if there are courses at WCC that transfer to a particular minor, go to, select “Transfer Your Courses”. Students can choose to search by WCC courses (Sending Institution) or by EMU minor requirement courses (Receiving Institution). A minor or 6 credits at the 300+ level must be
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; FLM 150, 221; HUM 175; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 108, 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251; SOC 205. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 Nursing Program Credits....................................................... 35 Nursing Course Block 35 NUR 108, 115, 128, 138, 288 Students must contact the EMU RN to BSN admissions advisor to present proof of passing the NCLEX, to complete a plan of study, and receive waivers. 30 hours will apply to the nursing major credit. x hours will apply as general elective credit. . Waivers will be given for NURS 260, 270 and DTC 203. BIO 212 Pathophysiology: Alterations in Structure 4 BIO 000 General Transfer Credit 4 * BIO 237 Microbiology (in place of BIO 147) 4 BIO 328 Microbiology for Health Professions 4 *PSY 100 Introduction to Psychology...................................... 3 PSY 101 General Psychology (GEKS) 3 Open Electives (not to exceed 94 transfer credits) .......................... 15 General Transfer Credit 15
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; FLM 150, 221; HUM 175; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 108, 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251; SOC 205. These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 CEM 122 General Chemistry II............................................. 4 CHEM 123/124 General Chemistry II 4 COM 101 Fundamentals of Speaking ................................... 3 COMM 124 Foundations of Speech Communication 3 1* MTH 192 Calculus II ............................................................. 4 MATH 121 Calculus II 4 * MTH 293 Calculus III (Math Restricted Elective) .................. 4 MATH 223 Multivariable Calculus 4 * MTH 295 Differential Equations (Math Restricted Elective) . 4 MATH 325 Differential Equations (3)+1 4 * PHY 222 Analytical Physics II .............................................. 5 PHY 224 Electricity and Light 5 Choose one from: CPS 141 or CPS 171 ................................. 4 IT 145 or COSC 246 General Transfer Credit 4 * CPS 161 An Introduction to Programming with Java ........... 4 COSC 111/112 Introduction to Programming (3)+1 4 * MTH 197 Linear Algebra ...................................................... 4 MATH 122 Elementary Linear Algebra (3)+1 4 Open Electives ........................................................................ 5 General Transfer Credit 5
These courses also satisfy an MTA area. Communication: COM 225; Natural Science: ENV 101, 105; Humanities: ART 143, 150; COM 225; XXX 180; DRA 180; ENG 181, 213, 214, 224, 242; HUM 150, 175, 221; MUS 180; Social Science: ANT 201; ECO 280; GEO 101; HST 109, 123, 150, 230, 235; PSY 251, 270; SOC 205 These courses apply, but do not satisfy the MTA: CCP 251 BMG 155 Business on the Internet ....................................... 3 AACR Gen Credit 3 BMG 207 Business Communication ..................................... 3 MGMT 202 University Elective 3 BOS 101C, 182, 184, 206, 207, 284; MBC 223 ...................... 17 BMMT 000 University Electives 17 BOS 106 Electronic Planning, Sharing and Organization .... 3 BMMT 101 University Elective 3 BOS 157 Word Processing and Document Formatting I...... 3 BMMT 123 University Elective 3 BOS 257 Word Processing and Document Formatting II..... 3 BMMT 220 University Elective 3 * HSC 124 Medical Terminology............................................. 3 AHPR 200 Medical Terminology (1)+2 3 HSC 131 CPR/AED.............................................................. 1 HLED 210 University Elective 1