Examples of Second Dose in a sentence
All Cohort 2 infants will have a history, physical examination, and hematology (except for the After Second Dose visit) and chemistry laboratory evaluations performed at all study visits.Additional repeat total and direct bilirubin will be done on day 2-4 of life (after the second dose).
The daily salary was generally higher in rural areas than in urban areas because of the shortage of human resources.9To expand vaccination to the younger generation, the Japanese government also introduced a system of Vaccination in the Workplace (VIW) that allows companies and universities to vaccinate their members.Figure 1: Trends of Second Dose Vaccination and Number of Infected People Notes: The shaded area represents the period when our online survey was held.
When the patient arrives at our clinic for the second dose, they are given a Second Dose pre-vaccine checklist to complete (see link at the end of this chapter).
Recommendation on the Schedule of the Second Dose of Measles-containing Vaccine in Hong Kong.
Text Message Reminders for Second Dose of Influenza Vaccine: a Randomized Controlled Trial, 135(1) Pediatrics e83-e91 (2015), available at http://pediatrics.aappublications.org/content/135/1/e83.
For Vaccines that require a Second Dose: How to Schedule an Appointment for 2nd DoseIf the patient received their first COVID-19 vaccine at another location: • SCC practices can schedule patients their second dose following standard scheduling workflows using the appropriate COVID-19 Vaccine 2nd dose visit type or Office Visit as appropriate.
Your child will receive either 3 or 4 doses, depending on which vaccine is used.Doses of Hib vaccine are usually recommended at these ages:• First Dose: 2 months of age• Second Dose: 4 months of age• Third Dose: 6 months of age (if needed,depending on brand of vaccine)• Final/Booster Dose: 12–15 months of ageHib vaccine may be given at the same time as other vaccines.Hib vaccine may be given as part of a combination vaccine.
The preemptive rights in this Section 7 shall terminate on the earliest of (i) the closing of the Qualified IPO, (ii) with respect to a Preferred Shareholder, the date on which the Series A Preferred Shares or Series B Preferred Shares held by such Preferred Shareholder are converted into Ordinary Shares or (iii) a Liquidation Event.
Mass Immunization Clinic - GFL Memorial Gardens (269 Queen St. E.) Accelerated Second Dose Appointments – Open Slots Individuals 18 and over are eligible for accelerated second doses and will be able to book into certain appointments at the GFL Memorial Gardens.
The eligible amount that can be availed under Second Dose Assistance is Rs. 50000/- for entrepreneur subject to a maximum of Rs. 5 lakhs.