CMR definition
Examples of CMR in a sentence
Competitive Supplier agrees that it shall comply with the provisions of 220 C.M.R. 25.00, 27.00, 28.00 and 29.00, as applicable to Competitive Suppliers, and any amendments thereto, and any code of conduct or policies the Department may adopt in accordance with M.G.L. c.
No employee of the Collaborative may serve on the Board of ACCEPT (603 CMR 50.06 (2) (c)).
A new School Committee or Charter School Board may be added to ACCEPT consistent with approval of the Board and subsequent to amendment of the ACCEPT Collaborative Agreement, consistent with the provisions of Section VIII, MGL c 40, § 4E, and 603 CMR 50.03 and Department guidelines, to reflect such membership.
Following the affirmative votes to terminate this Collaborative Agreement, the Executive Director shall inform the member and non-member districts who are served by the Collaborative and the Department in writing 180 days prior to the effective date of any termination along with the information required to be submitted to the Department pursuant to 603 CMR 50.11.
Each appointed representative shall be responsible for providing the following information to the representative's member district in accordance with the provisions of MGL c 40, § 4E and 603 CMR 50.00, et seq.