Examples of Second Round Investors in a sentence
Other current liabilities represented a financial liability of approximately HK$1,577.9 million (2020: Nil) mainly arising from an option granted to the First Round Investors, the Second Round Investors and the Third Round Investor (as hereinafter defined under the section headed “2.23 Liquidity and financial resources – (c) Capital contribution” in “Management Discussion and Analysis”).
From China Evergrande’s perspective, the Capital Contribution from the Group, together with the capital contributions from other Second Round Investors to Hengda Real Estate (together, the “Capital Increase”), constituted a deemed disposal of China Evergrande’s interest in Hengda Real Estate, and, as disclosed by China Evergrande, was a major transaction for China Evergrande under Chapter 14 of the Listing Rules.
This Agreement is between My Natural Pool, LLC and the participants of this Private Joint Venture Second Round Funding, hereinafter referred to as “JVSR”, and said participant(s) may be referred to as Joint Venture Second Round Investor(s), and hereinafter referred to as “JVSRI”.
It is one of the most needed and crucial things in life, without it we are helpless.
This written/legal commitment assures both First and Second Round Investors that My Natural Pool, LLC will be fully funded.
The consideration for the Second Round Capital Contribution is approximately the sum of the aforementioned assessed value and the amount of Second Round Capital Contribution, calculated according to the proportionate ownership percentage in Powerleader Computing of the Second Round Investors.
Instead, the court assigned dictionaries a role subordinate to the intrinsic record.
BASIS OF THE CONSIDERATION The aggregate contribution amount of RMB135,595,000 (comprising RMB6,432,800 as registered capital of Powerleader Computing, and the remainder of RMB129,162,200 as capital reserve of the Powerleader Computing) of the Second Round Investors were determined after arm’s length negotiations among the parties to the Second Round Capital Contribution Agreement.
As at 30 June 2023, pursuant to the above mentioned signed agreements, all of the investors (including the First Round Investors and Second Round Investors) have the right to request the Company to repurchase the 18.69% (31 December 2022: 11.97%) equity interest at the original price with a premium of interest at 10% per annum if T-ALL Inspection failed to fulfil the profit and other commitments as prescribed in the agreement.
During the current interim period, the Company, Anton Limited, Anton New Energy and T-ALL Inspection entered into an agreement with 共青城山證通奧啟程股權投資合夥企業(有限合夥), 共青城億芯智行創業投資合夥企業(有限合夥), 共青城德擎匯垠創業投資合夥企業(有限合夥), 北京望京創新私募股權投資基金中心(有限合夥)and 新疆金投資產管理股份有限公司(the “Second Round Investors”), five third parties, pursuant to which Anton Limited and Anton New Energy transferred a total of 6.72% interest in T-ALL Inspection to the Second Round Investors at a consideration of RMB97,530,000.