Examples of Secretarial Determination in a sentence
Each Party may, in a manner consistent with this Settlement, protect, defend, and discharge its interests and duties in any administrative, regulatory, legislative or judicial proceeding, including but not limited to the Secretarial Determination, FERC relicensing process, CWA 401 proceedings, or other proceedings related to potential Project relicensing, surrender, or Facilities Removal.
The purpose of the Coordination Process is to seek, discuss, and consider the views of the Parties regarding the basis of the Secretarial Determination in a Timely manner in support of the Secretary’s decision-making process.
Projects undertaken before the Secretarial Determination shall be located outside the FERC project boundary.
To the extent practicable and in accordance with Applicable Law, the Federal Parties will provide the information necessary for the non-federal Parties to have Timely and meaningful input consistent with the schedule for completing the Secretarial Determination.
In accordance with Applicable Law, nothing in this Coordination Process is intended to waive or supersede any obligation of the United States to fulfill its government-to-government relationship with any Indian Tribe, state, county, or local government concerning the Secretarial Determination or this Settlement.
While the proposed Secretarial Determination is an inherently governmental function that may not be delegated to others, the Federal Parties understand and recognize the unique nature of this task and are committed to participating in the development of the basis for the Secretarial Determination in a Timely, open, transparent manner and employing the highest standards of scientific integrity.
As a part of developing the basis for the Secretarial Determination, the Secretary shall develop a Detailed Plan to implement Facilities Removal.
Accordingly, the Secretary, in consultation with affected Parties, shall study issues specific to the Keno facility concurrently with, but independent of, the Secretarial Determination and related environmental compliance actions, with specific focus on addressing water quality, fish passage, transfer of title to the Keno facility from PacifiCorp to Interior, future operations and maintenance, and landowner agreements.
The Parties agree that preparatory work for Facilities Removal may be undertaken by the DRE before January 1, 2020, consistent with the Secretarial Determination, the Definite Plan, applicable permits, and Section 6 of this Settlement; provided such preparatory work shall not have any negative impact on PacifiCorp’s generation operations at the Facilities.
The Definite Plan shall be consistent with this Settlement, the Authorizing Legislation, the Detailed Plan, and the Secretarial Determination.