Examples of Section 3 business concern in a sentence
The undersigned bidder/proposer hereby certifies that it is a Section 3 business concern and attaches relevant documentation, as applicable, to support such claim.Select only one option.
A) Where the Section 3 covered contract is to be awarded based upon the lowest price, the contract shall be awarded to the qualified Section 3 business concern with the lowest responsive quotation, if it is reasonable and no more than 10 percent higher than the quotation of the lowest responsive quotation from any qualified source, the award shall be made to the source with the lowest quotation.
As a part of joint venture, Section 3 business concern must be:1.
If you are claiming preference as a Section 3 business concern, your Section 3 Compliance Plan must include an explanation for your claim to be a Section 3 business concern along with proof of your firm’s eligibility for preference as a Section 3 business concern.
It is the Responder’s responsibility to provide proof that such firms meet the definition of Section 3 business concern as established by HUD.