Business activity definition
Business activity means that term as defined in section 3(2) of the former single business tax act, 1975 PA 228, or in section 105 of the Michigan business tax act, 2007 PA 36, MCL 208.1105.
Business activity means a transfer of legal or equitable title to or rental of property, whether real, personal, or mixed, tangible or intangible, or the performance of services, or a combination thereof, made or engaged in, or caused to be made or engaged in, within this state, whether in intrastate, interstate, or foreign commerce, with the object of gain, benefit, or advantage, whether direct or indirect, to the taxpayer or to others, but shall not include the services rendered by an employee to his employer, services as a director of a corporation, or a casual transaction. Although an activity of a taxpayer may be incidental to another or other of his business activities, each activity shall be considered to be business engaged in within the meaning of this act.
Business activity means any activity regulated by any of the financial licensing acts.
Examples of Business activity in a sentence
Inc., a Wyoming corporation Percentage of ownership: 100% Business activity: holding company for the Asia Diamond Exchange to be established in Vietnam.
Business activity determination for a production credit association.
Inc., a Wyoming corporation Percentage of ownership: 100% Business activity: investment advisory and M&A consulting services.
Percentage of ownership: 100% Business activity: Consulting and M&A advisory services.
Please tell us the original source of the funds/wealth you are investing with us.Property sale Gift/Inheritance Business activity Accumulated savings Personal income Other (describe below) Please provide details include dates and amounts.
More Definitions of Business activity
Business activity means any of the elements of doing business. The income reportable as income earned from business activity within the City of Portland will include all business incomes from sources within the City of Portland that are taxable incomes under Oregon tax laws and regulations unless otherwise exempted or excluded in this Chapter.
Business activity means the essential and customary facilities such as buildings, parking lots, storage or processing areas regularly used to conduct the business, and does not include driveways, fences, or structures placed for the purpose of qualifying a site for signage.
Business activity means any activity engaged in for gain or reward in any part of the economy of Namibia;
Business activity means gainful (for-profit) economic activities performed on a regular basis for compensation, involving the conclusion of deals which has not been individually negotiated;
Business activity means investment management business or any other business from LACERA, or entering into any contractual relationship with LACERA for investment management services or any other business purpose;
Business activity means any activity conducted in a state that gives rise to:
Business activity means any pursuit within City limits carried on by a Person Engaged in Businessfor the purpose of economic gain or profit, excluding the acts of an employee rendering service to their employer within the scope of their employment contract, unless otherwise proscribed.