Selection Team definition

Selection Team means the Distribution Companies.
Selection Team means appointed team leader, appointed selector/s and the appointed coach.

Examples of Selection Team in a sentence

  • The preceding information shall be submitted directly to the Chair of the Consultant Selection Team responsible for the project.

  • In this process each segment and question of the interview is weighted in advance during the Selection Team Meeting.

  • The UDOT Selection Team will review the revised Project Team to determine if it is equal to or better than the originally proposed team.

  • Qualitative Assessment Guidelines: Throughout the scoring process (for Proposals and interviews) the Selection Team will use the following Qualitative Assessment Guidelines when scoring.

  • Final Proposal score results are the average of voting Selection Team members’ scores.

  • Selection Team: The Selection Team members will receive copies of each responsive Proposal submitted.

  • However, if the Selection Team determines it is necessary to conduct interviews in order to make a selection, the Selection Team will develop the format of the interviews and provide instructions on the interview format to each Consultant invited to participate.

  • The Selection Team will then meet to discuss the Proposals and comments from individual Selection Team members and determine whether interviews are necessary or whether the selection may be made based on the averaged scores from the Proposals.

  • Consultant selection is a Qualification-Based Selection (QBS) process, where the primary factor in selection is the qualification-based criteria outlined by the Selection Team in Part Three (Project Information and Evaluation Criteria), rather than the cost of engineering services.

  • Project Team: The Selection Team will evaluate how well the qualifications and experience of the proposed project team members relate to the specific project.

More Definitions of Selection Team

Selection Team means a group of at least three persons appointed by the agency head who have knowledge and experience in the program area and service requirements for which contractual services are sought. The selection team is designated by the contract signer to review and evaluate the bids/ proposals submitted. All selection team members must complete a Conflict of Interest Form.

Related to Selection Team

  • Evaluation Team means the team appointed by the City; “Information Meeting” has the meaning set out in section 2.2;

  • Selection Committee means a committee of individual(s) who evaluate and rank proposals; conduct negotiations; and makes a contract award recommendation to the District and its respective Committees.

  • Project Team means Owner, Contractor, A/E and consultants, any separate Contractors employed by Owner, and others employed for the purpose of programming, design, and construction of the Project. The members of the Project Team will be designated in writing by Owner and may be modified from time to time in writing by Owner.

  • IEP team means a group of individuals described in Wis. Stat. § 115.78 that is responsible for evaluating the child to determine the child’s eligibility or continued eligibility for special education and related services and the educational needs of the child; developing, reviewing, or revising an IEP for the child; and determining the special education placement for the child.

  • Credentials Committee means the committee established by the Medical Advisory Committee to review applications for appointment and reappointment to the Professional Staff and to make recommendations to the Medical Advisory Committee and if no such committee is established it shall mean the Medical Advisory Committee;

  • Selection Panel means those persons who have been appointed by Archery NZ to select Archers for New Zealand Teams.

  • Monitoring Committee means the committee established under clause 10 of this Award.

  • Project Steering Committee or “PSC” means the committee referred to in Section I.B of Schedule 2 to this Agreement;

  • Project Managers means the individuals identified in Section 12 of this Agreement who are authorized by TriMet and Subrecipient respectively to send and receive communications regarding this Agreement.

  • Peer review committee means one or more persons acting in a peer review capacity who also serve as an officer, director, trustee, agent, or member of any of the following:

  • Development Committee has the meaning set forth in Article 3 of the Amended and Restated Research and Development Agreement.

  • Coordinating Committee means the committee designated and elected as provided in section 16d in connection with a township consolidation.

  • Development Team means the entities and professionals assembled to develop and manage the Project, typically including the Applicant, Owner, Developer(s), Co-Developer(s) and general partner or any other related entities in which the Developer or Co-Developer has an identity of interest or a Controlling Interest.

  • Design Team means Architect and its Subconsultants as set forth in the Design Services Agreement.

  • Treatment team means the group of individuals who formulate, assess, monitor and revise, as needed, the child's service plan. The treatment team shall include, but is not limited to:

  • Management Team means Xxxxxx X. X’Xxxxxxx, Xxxxxxx X. Xxxxxx, Xx. and Xxxxx X. Xxxxxxxxxx.

  • Review Committee means the committee assigned to review a contract for professional architectural, engineering and land surveying services, which shall include at least three persons designated by the Director and approved by the Executive Director.

  • Steering Committee shall have the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • Selection Criteria means and includes all of the requirements, considerations,

  • independent review committee means the independent review committee of the investment fund established under National Instrument 81-107 Independent Review Committee for Investment Funds;

  • Architectural Review Committee or “ARC” shall mean the architectural review committee established by the Organization to review plans submitted to the Organization for architectural review.

  • Screening Committee means the State level Screening Committee constituted in terms of sub-rule (2) of rule 123 of these rules.

  • District Evaluation Advisory Committee means a group created to oversee and guide the planning and implementation of the Board of Education's evaluation policies and procedures as set forth in N.J.A.C. 6A:10-2.3.

  • Operating Committee means the Operating Committee of Epoch which meets frequently and is responsible for implementing the Company’s strategy, making operational decisions and overseeing the day-to-day running of the Company.

  • Joint Steering Committee or “JSC” has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.

  • JCC has the meaning set forth in Section 3.1.