Document of title definition

Document of title means a record that in the regular course of business or financing is treated as adequately evidencing that the person in possession or control of the record is entitled to receive, control, hold, and dispose of the record and the goods the record covers and that purports to be issued by or addressed to a bailee and to cover goods in the bailee's possession which are either identified or are fungible portions of an identified mass. The term includes a bill of lading, transport document, dock warrant, dock receipt, warehouse receipt, and order for delivery of goods. "Electronic document of title" means a document of title evidenced by a record consisting of information stored in an electronic medium. "Tangible document of title" means a document of title evidenced by a record consisting of information that is inscribed on a tangible medium.
Document of title means a record:
Document of title means a record (i) that in the regular

Examples of Document of title in a sentence

  • If the Collateral comprises any Investment Property, Chattel Paper, Instrument, Money or Document of Title, the Debtor will, forthwith upon request, deliver the same to ATB and will allow ATB to retain possession of the same.

  • The Customer will not create any encumbrances over such Document of Title over the Goods and/or the Goods.

  • The following definitions apply unless the context requires otherwise: Accessions, Account Receivable, Aircraft, Chattel Paper, Document of Title, Financing Change Statement, Financing Statement, Intangible, Inventory, Investment Security, Land, Motor Vehicle, Negotiable Instrument, Organisation, Proceeds, Register, Security Agreement, Security Interest, Serial-Numbered Goods and Verification Statement have the respective meanings given to those terms in the Act.

  • So long as any monies shall be owing by the Borrower to the Bank and during the continuance of this Agreement, the Bank shall have the custody and possession of, the original Issue Document of Title to the said Property, registered duplicate Charge, and of all other whatsoever documents evidencing any title to or right in the said Property or any benefits or rights annexed appurtenant or relating thereto or in any way connected therewith.

  • The Vendor shall also deposit the Issue Document of Title to the Property with the Vendor’s solicitors as stakeholder.

More Definitions of Document of title

Document of title means a Written document that is a bill of lading, dock warrant, dock receipt, warehouse receipt or order for the delivery of goods, and also any other Written document that in the regular course of business or financing is treated as adequately evidencing that the person in possession of it is entitled to receive, hold and dispose of the document and the goods it covers and must purport to be issued by or addressed to a bailee and purport to cover goods in the bailee's possession that are either identified or are fungible portions of an identified mass.
Document of title means document of title as defined in ORS 71.2010.
Document of title means a writing issued by or addressed to a bailee
Document of title means a xxxx of lading, dock warrant, dock receipt, warehouse receipt or order for the delivery of goods, and also any other document which in the regular course of business or financing is treated as adequately evidencing that the Person in possession of it is entitled to receive, hold and dispose of the document and the goods it covers.
Document of title means a record (i) that in the regular course of business or
Document of title means a formal document that is considered sufficient proof that the person who possesses it is entitled to receive, hold, and dispose of the instrument and the goods that it covers;
Document of title means a written instrument issued solely by and under the authority of the director before September 1, 2003, that provides the information required by Section 1201.205, as that section existed before that date. Beginning September 1, 2003, a document of title is considered to be a statement of ownership and location and may be exchanged for a statement of ownership and location as provided by Section 1201.214.