Examples of Separated Business in a sentence
Telstra will ensure that if an Employee who works for a Separated Business Unit has previously worked for another Separated Business Unit (including as part of a secondment to that other Separated Business Unit), that Employee complies with the information security requirements in clause10 of this Undertaking in relation to any Protected Information which is known to that Employee because he or she previously worked for that other Separated Business Unit.
If an Employee who works for a Business Unit which is not a Separated Business Unit has responsibility for decisions about pricing of retail services, Telstra will ensure that Protected Information is not disclosed to that Employee.
Notwithstanding the foregoing, in the event Motorola separates one or more of its businesses (each a “Separated Business”), whether by way of a sale, establishment of a joint venture, spin-off or otherwise (each a “Separation Event”), Motorola may, without the prior written consent of the other party and at no additional cost to Motorola, assign the respective agreement such that it will continue to benefit the Separated Business and its affiliates following the Separation Event.
For the services rendered by the POl- INOWEX S.A. (Non-Resident Co.), the Assessee Company had paid a total amount of Rs.1,17,19,820/- without deduction of TDS.
The transfer of ownership of the Separated Business by means of a distribution of stock of the Separated Business to Non-Covered Shareholders of Microsoft, or by other disposition that does not result in a Covered Shareholder owning stock in both the Separated Business and the Remaining Business.