Examples of Serious medical treatment in a sentence
Within the Trust the decision maker who is in charge of the treatment, will be responsible for the referral (referral form are available on the Trust safeguarding intranet page) http://sfhnet.nnotts.nhs.uk/departments/safeguardingadults/deptbrowse.aspx?recid=901 1&mode=return Serious medical treatment does not cover treatment for a mental disorder where the patient is detained under the Mental Health Act.
The annual fee payable to access the services provided by the hospitals under the scheme.
Serious medical treatment is defined as treatment which involves giving new treatment, stopping treatment that has already started, or withholding treatment that could be offered in circumstances where: • if a single treatment is proposed there is a fine balance between the likely benefits and the burdens to the patient and the risks involved.
Serious medical treatment (SMT) What is the proposed medical treatment?Cancer treatment Hip/Leg operation DNARMedical investigations Serious dental workTreatment that may lead to loss of hearing or sightECTMajor surgery (e.g. open heart or brain / neuro-surgery)Major amputations (arm or leg) ANHTermination of pregnancy Other (please specify)20.
Section H The decision to be made in this case relates to (please cross box that applies): *Serious medical treatment, please indicate below treatment being referred for.
We collected detailed information from IMCAs about the nature of their input and the difference this made to 151 instructions relating to the following areas: • Change of accommodation (CoA) decisions• Serious medical treatment (SMT) decisions• Deprivation of liberty safeguards (DoLS) cases• Care reviews• Safeguarding of vulnerable adults (SOVA) cases.
Critical systems unavailable for 1 day or a series of prolongedoutages Short term campaign in national media (story substantiated, publicly embarrassing with third partyactions) Elements of objectives abandoned.25- 50% variance inachievement of corporate targets 3 Moderate In excess of 2% (as above) Serious medical treatment, hospitalisation and numerousdays lost Major damage toassetsInterruption 1day- 1 week.
Serious medical treatment is defined as treatment that involves giving new treatment, stopping treatment that has already started, or withholding treatment that could be offered in circumstances where:If a single treatment is proposed and there is a fine balance between the likely benefits and the burdens to the individual and the risks involved, orA decision between a choice of treatments if finely balanced, orWhat is proposed is likely to have serious consequences for the individual.
IMCAs must be instructed where decisions in the following key areas need to be made: Serious medical treatment, but excluding treatment under the Mental Health Act 1983 (amended by the Mental Health Act 2007) (Ref 12) for mental disorders which do not require consent; NHS-arranged accommodation or change in accommodation in hospital for 28 days or more or in care home for eight weeks or more; Local Authority accommodation for eight weeks or more, except in an emergency.
Serious medical treatment is defined as treatment that involves giving new treatment, stopping treatment that has already started, or withholding treatment that could be offered in circumstances where: • If a single treatment is proposed and there is a fine balance between the likely benefits and the burdens to the patient and the risks involved or• A decision between a choice of treatments if finely balanced, or• What is proposed is likely to have serious consequences for the patient.