Examples of Thermal treatment in a sentence
Thermal treatment (510 LC, 1 h, heating rate 12 K min_1) was performed in a furnace (Carbolite 1200) in order to allow the joining of the different group of fibres to obtain a sample with a stable aligned configuration of fibres (_1.2 _ 1.5 mm, 15–20 mg), as shown in Fig.
Thermal treatment of medical waste has a long and controversial history.
Thermal treatment profile and processing temperatures for annealed (A) and sintered (S) disks.
It looks like people here are buying what they’re selling (the recipe, and, maybe, the serving dish).
The Thermal treatment for radioactive waste minimisation and hazard reduction (THERAMIN) project is a European Commission (EC) programme of work jointly funded by the Horizon 2020 Euratom research and innovation programme and European nuclear waste management organisations (WMOs).