Serious misconduct or mismanagement definition

Serious misconduct or mismanagement means behaviour that would constitute a breach of any legislation/enactment CQC deems relevant to meeting these regulations or their component parts.”]
Serious misconduct or mismanagement means behaviour that would constitute a breach of any legislation/enactment that CQC deems relevant. “Serious misconduct” might be expected to include assault, fraud and theft.
Serious misconduct or mismanagement. – This means behaviour that would constitute a breach of any legislation/enactment that CQC deems relevant and may include assault, fraud and theft in the case of ‘serious misconduct’ and mismanaging funds and/or not adhering to recognised practice, guidance or processes regarding care quality within which the individual is meant to work.

Related to Serious misconduct or mismanagement

  • Serious Misconduct means any misconduct identified as a ground for termination in the Motorola Code of Business Conduct, or the human resources policies, or other written policies or procedures.

  • Sexual misconduct means any verbal, nonverbal, written, or electronic communication, or any other act directed toward or with a student that is designed to establish a sexual relationship with the student, including a sexual invitation, dating or soliciting a date, engaging in sexual dialogue, making sexually suggestive comments, self-disclosure or physical exposure of a sexual or erotic nature, and any other sexual, indecent, or erotic contact with a student.

  • Professional Misconduct means conduct inconsistent with the Act, this By-law, the Rules of Professional Conduct or the Standards and Guidelines of Practice that poses or may pose a risk of harm or loss to any person;

  • Academic Misconduct means an act described in s. UWS 14.03.

  • Willful Misconduct means intentional disregard of good and prudent standards of performance or proper conduct under the Contract with knowledge that it is likely to result in any injury to any person or persons or loss or damage of property.

  • Research misconduct means fabrication, falsification, or plagiarism in proposing, performing, or reviewing research, or in reporting research results. Research misconduct does not include honest error or differences of opinion. As used in this definition, (i) “fabrication” means making up data or results and recording or reporting them; (ii) “falsification” means manipulating research materials, equipment, or processes, or changing or omitting data or results such that the research is not accurately represented in the research record; and (iii) “plagiarism” means the appropriation of another person’s ideas, processes, results, or words without giving appropriate credit.

  • Official misconduct means a notary's performance of any act prohibited or failure to perform any act mandated by this chapter or by any other law in connection with a notarial act.

  • Misconduct means the commission of any act of fraud, embezzlement or dishonesty by the Optionee or Participant, any unauthorized use or disclosure by such person of confidential information or trade secrets of the Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary), or any other intentional misconduct by such person adversely affecting the business or affairs of the Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary) in a material manner. The foregoing definition shall not in any way preclude or restrict the right of the Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary) to discharge or dismiss any Optionee, Participant or other person in the Service of the Corporation (or any Parent or Subsidiary) for any other acts or omissions, but such other acts or omissions shall not be deemed, for purposes of the Plan, to constitute grounds for termination for Misconduct.

  • Gross Misconduct means any act or omission of the Contractor in violation of the most elementary rules of diligence which a conscientious Contractor in the same position and under the same circumstance would have followed.

  • Wilful Misconduct means intentional disregard of good and prudent standards of performance or proper conduct under the Contract with knowledge that it is likely to result in any injury to any person or persons or loss or damage of property.

  • Serious means violations that either result in one or more neg- ative outcomes and significant actual harm to residents that does not constitute imminent danger, or there is a reasonable predictability of recurring actions, practices, situations, or incidents with potential for causing significant harm to a resident, or both.

  • Homelessness or "homeless" means a condition where an

  • Serious assault means an act that constitutes a felony violation of chapter XI of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81 to 750.90h, or that constitutes an assault and infliction of serious or aggravated injury under section 81a of the Michigan penal code, 1931 PA 328, MCL 750.81a.

  • Mysterious Disappearance means any disappearance of Property which, after a reasonable investigation has been conducted, cannot be explained.

  • Convictions other than for minor road traffic offences, any previous or pending prosecutions, convictions, cautions and binding over orders (including any spent convictions as contemplated by section 1(1) of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 by virtue of the exemptions specified in Part II of Schedule 1 of the Rehabilitation of Offenders Act 1974 (Exemptions) Order 1975 (SI 1975/1023) or any replacement or amendment to that Order, or is a Barred person in accordance with section 3 of the Safeguarding Vulnerable Groups Act 2006;

  • Conviction means a finding of guilt (including a plea of nolo contendere) or imposition of sentence, or both, by any judicial body charged with the responsibility to determine violations of the Federal or State criminal drug statutes.

  • Deputation means a person or group of persons who wish to appear personally before the council or a committee of the council in order to address the council or committee of the council;

  • Intentional Wrongdoing means an act or omission taken or omitted by a Party with knowledge or intent that injury or damage could reasonably be expected to result.

  • Criminal sexual activity means the commission of an act as defined in Section 886 of Title 21 of the Oklahoma Statutes, which is the act of sodomy; and

  • Fraud means any offence under Laws creating offences in respect of fraudulent acts or at common law in respect of fraudulent acts in relation to the Contract or defrauding or attempting to defraud or conspiring to defraud the Crown.

  • Intentional for purposes of this Agreement, no act or failure to act on the part of the Executive shall be deemed to have been intentional if it was due primarily to an error in judgment or negligence. An act or failure to act on the Executive’s part shall be considered intentional if it is not in good faith and if it is without a reasonable belief that the action or failure to act is in the best interests of the Bank.

  • Felony Conviction means a conviction within the preceding 24 months of a felony criminal violation under any Federal law and includes conviction of an offense defined in a section of the United States Code that specifically classifies the offense as a felony and conviction of an offense that is classified as a felony under 18 U.S.C. 3559.

  • Related Entities means contractors and subcontractors of a Party at any tier; grantees, investigators, customers, and users of a Party at any tier and their contractors or subcontractor at any tier; or, employees of the Party or any of the foregoing.

  • Gross Negligence means any act or failure to act (whether sole, joint or concurrent) by a person or entity which was intended to cause, or which was in reckless disregard of or wanton indifference to, avoidable and harmful consequences such person or entity knew, or should have known, would result from such act or failure to act. Notwithstanding the foregoing, Gross negligence shall not include any action taken in good faith for the safeguard of life or property.

  • Willful means any act or omission by the Executive that was in good faith and with a reasonable belief that the action or omission was in the best interests of the Company or its affiliates. Any act or omission based upon authority given pursuant to a duly adopted Board resolution, or, upon the instructions of any senior officer of the Company, or based upon the advice of counsel for the Company will be conclusively presumed to be taken or omitted by the Executive in good faith and in the best interests of the Company and/or its affiliates.

  • Significant relationship means a situation in which the actor is: (1) the complainant's parent, stepparent, or guardian; (2) any of the following persons related to the complainant by blood, marriage, or adoption: brother, sister, stepbrother, stepsister, first cousin, aunt, uncle, nephew, niece, grandparent,great-grandparent, great-uncle, great-aunt; or (3) an adult who jointly resides intermittently or regularly in the same dwelling as the complainant and who is not the complainant's spouse. Minn. Stat. § 609.341(15).At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Idaho Statutes §§ 18-6101. At what age is a person able to consent?17 years old. 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60. However, if the actor is 17 years of age or older and holds a position of trust, authority, or supervision in relation to the victim, then the age of consent is 18 years old. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. IC §§ 35-42-4-9. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. I.C.A. § 709.4. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. K.S.A. 21-5506; 5507*.*Note: KSA 21-5507 was held to violate the equal protection provisions of the Fourteenth Amendment to the United States Constitution and§ 1 of the Kansas Constitution Bill of Rights to the extent that it results in a punishment for unlawful voluntary sexual conduct between members of the opposite sex that is less harsh than the punishment for the same conduct between members of the same sex. The court struck the phrase “and are members of the opposite sex” from the statute. State v. Limon, 280 Kan. 275, 276, 122 P.3d 22, 24 (2005). Proposed legislation would remedy this. See 2019 KS H.B. 2270 (NS). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old.A person is deemed incapable of consent when he or she is: less than sixteen (16) years old; orsixteen (16) or seventeen (17) years old and the actor at least ten (10) years older than victim at the time of the sexual act.KRS § 510.020. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Connecticut General Statutes Annotated §§ 53a-71. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old, if the defendant is more than 4 years older, otherwise 18 years old. 11 Delaware Code §§ 761; 762; 765; 770; 771; 778.If the victim is at least 12 years old and the defendant is no more than 4 years older than the victim, it is an affirmative defense if the victim consented to the act “knowingly”. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. D.C. Code § 22-3001(3). At what age is a person able to consent?18 years old. Florida Statutes §§ 794.011; 794.05. At what age is a person able to consent?16 years old. Georgia Code § 16-6-3(a).