Examples of Seriously mentally ill in a sentence
M.E., Pinkerton, S.D., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Gibson, R.H., & Hackl, K.: Seriously mentally ill women's safer sex behaviors and the theory of reasoned action.
Seriously mentally ill detainees at OCCC shall not be placed in isolation or individualized seclusion in a manner that would pose an undue risk to the detainee’s health and safety.
Seriously mentally ill inmates in Ontario correctional facilities: Prevalence, mental health care needs, and implications for correctional and mental health care policy.
Seriously mentally ill offenders are identified at the onset; tracked throughout their participation; and are critically and clinically evaluated for intervention through the mental health track staffing.Offenders are sentenced to the Allen Circuit Restoration Court to participate for a year in the Program.
Seriously mentally ill prisoners” are those identified by CDOC as having a “major mental illness,” which CDOC defines as: those chronic mental disorders that cause longstanding problems with emotional regulation and/or reality testing, which leads to poor functioning in multiple domains, including social, occupational, and relational.