Seriously mentally ill definition

Seriously mentally ill means a person 18 years of age or older who is either seriously mentally ill or chronically mentally ill as those terms are defined in A.R.S. § 36-550.
Seriously mentally ill means having a severe and
Seriously mentally ill means a person 18 years of age or older as defined in A.R.S. § 36-550.

Examples of Seriously mentally ill in a sentence

  • M.E., Pinkerton, S.D., Somlai, A.M., Kelly, J.A., McAuliffe, T.L., Gibson, R.H., & Hackl, K.: Seriously mentally ill women's safer sex behaviors and the theory of reasoned action.

  • Seriously mentally ill detainees at OCCC shall not be placed in isolation or individualized seclusion in a manner that would pose an undue risk to the detainee’s health and safety.

  • Seriously mentally ill inmates in Ontario correctional facilities: Prevalence, mental health care needs, and implications for correctional and mental health care policy.

  • Seriously mentally ill offenders are identified at the onset; tracked throughout their participation; and are critically and clinically evaluated for intervention through the mental health track staffing.Offenders are sentenced to the Allen Circuit Restoration Court to participate for a year in the Program.

  • Seriously mentally ill prisoners” are those identified by CDOC as having a “major mental illness,” which CDOC defines as: those chronic mental disorders that cause longstanding problems with emotional regulation and/or reality testing, which leads to poor functioning in multiple domains, including social, occupational, and relational.

More Definitions of Seriously mentally ill

Seriously mentally ill means having a se- vere and persistent mental illness or emo- tional impairment that seriously limits a person’s ability to live independently.
Seriously mentally ill means persons, who as a result of a
Seriously mentally ill means suffering from a Mental Disorder or Chemical Dependency, which has resulted in self-inflicted injury or injury to others or the imminent threat thereof or which has deprived the person afflicted of the ability to protect their life or health. No person shall be involuntarily committed to a mental health facility or detained for evaluation and treatment because they are epileptic, mentally deficient, intellectually disabled, senile, or suffering from a mental disorder unless the condition causes them to be Seriously Mentally Ill within the meaning of the definition.
Seriously mentally ill means persons, who as a result of a mental disorder as defined in section 36-501 exhibit emotional or behavioral functioning which is so impaired as to interfere substantially with their capacity to remain in the community without supportive treatment or services of a long-term or indefinite duration. In these persons mental disability is severe and persistent, resulting in a long-term limitation of their functional capacities for pri- mary activities of daily living such as interpersonal relationships, homemaking, self-care, employment and recre- ation.
Seriously mentally ill means a person 18 years of age or older r chronically mentally ill as those terms are as defined in A.R.S. § 36-550.
Seriously mentally ill means INDIGENT persons, who as a
Seriously mentally ill means persons who as a result of a mental disorder as defined in section A.R.S. §36