Server Class definition
Examples of Server Class in a sentence
The Server Class creates servers that provide functionality to other programs or devices, called clients.
In order to Lock PIDLock CurrentLock AsymmetryLock LockFactoryFigure 1: Simplified Lock Server Class Diagramminimize coupling among the components, the LockServer engine uses a LockFactory class to construct locks of various types.
Server Class Computer- Typically a multiprocessor computer with built in hardware/software fault tolerance, scalable architecture, and high input output capacity as compared to a workstation.
The procedures for making Procurement-related Complaints shall be specified in the TDS.SECTION III - TENDER DATA SHEET (TDS) The following specific data for the Works and Services to be procured shall complement, supplement, or amend the provisions in the Instructions to Tenderers (ITT).
Configure a Server Class for the AppThe next step is to define a server class for the "send to indexer" app.
Each member of the Banquet Server Class shall be entitled to a proportional share of two percent of the Class Fund, as calculated by Class Counsel.
Members of the Banquet Server Class shall be entitled to a proportional share of two percent of the total Net Class Fund (the “Banquet Server Portion”).
Server Class (SC) specifies the price categories based on the number of IBM System x or IBM Blade systems that are specified as eligible machines, and are defined as follows: SC1 = up to 2, SC2 = up to 4, SC3 = up to 8, SC4 = up to 12, SC5 = up to 20, SC6 = up to 30, SC7 = up to 40.
The CCF is equipped with over 75 Client machines, Server Class Machines, High Speed LAN, Cisco Router etc.Students shall get ample of opportunities to develop their knowledge in the field of information technology and skills in UNIX like environment and software development.
Figure 18: Run Server Class DiagramAttributes of the run server class are same as that of the workstation class.