Examples of Service Concepts in a sentence
These relationships should be defined in the FACT_RELATIONSHIP table.• The Care Site Source Value typically contains the name of the Care Site.• The Place of Service Concepts belongs to the Domain "Provider".
Madras Service Concepts Overall EvaluationFigure 36 summarizes the implications of each local service option.
The table illustrates the benefits of increased service levels at each additional level of investment.Figure 36 Madras Service Concepts Implications Key: Poor / Least Favorable Fair Good Best / Most FavorableNotes: (1) A flex-route may deviate within defined area(s).
Prineville Service Concepts Overall EvaluationFigure 44 summarizes the implications of each local service option.
INI will have the sole responsibility for completing pre-site network design and engineering, and installation of a converged wireless and wireline networks within the Territory based on utilizing INI’s Converged Broadband Wireless and Wireline Network Products and Technologies, Next Generation Network Service Concepts (collectively, the “4G Technology”) and Network Design & Support Services expertise.
Approve Claims Management Contract with Alternative Service Concepts, LLC.
CoDA Service Items include our CoDA foundational documents: The Twelve Steps, The Twelve Traditions, The Twelve Service Concepts, The Welcome, The Preamble, and other service items :The Patterns and Characteristics of Codependence, The Recovery Patterns of Codependence, and other items such as our Meeting Handbook (Meeting Starter Packet) or the CoDA Prayers.
G., Casati, F., Kuno, H., Machiraju, V.; Web Service Concepts, Architectures and Applications.
How can we involve the committees in this idea?The ad hoc (via webmaster) has a slot on the website CWA to post information for the fellowshipIt was decided to send the shortened version of the Service Concepts, presented to conference as a suggested additional foundational document, to the Board for consideration.* * *CommunicationsMembers who have been active with the main committee:Allan B (SoCal), Doug P (FL), Geff R (WA), Linda A (SoCal) and Rosario H (SoCal).
The contract presented by Service Concepts would be effective until August of 2022.