Service Facility definition

Service Facility means the installation, including ground area, building and equipment, which has been specially arranged, as a whole or in part, to allow the supply of one or more services referred to in points 2 to 4 of Annex II;
Service Facility means buildings and structures, including fixed machinery and equipment, used or to be used to service goods.
Service Facility means the Contractor-operated, physical location where the Contractor’s elevator mechanics report.

Examples of Service Facility in a sentence

  • A facility may be eligible for abatement if it is a: Manufacturing Facility, Research Facility, Wholesale Distribution Facility, Service Facility, Entertainment and Recreation Facility, or other Basic Industry.

  • If there are no participating locations in your area, you may take your vehicle to a non-participating Service Facility in your area.

  • The 791 PURCHASING COOPERATIVE Contract is the final negotiated version of the Vendor’s contract that was submitted as part the RFP #0000-00-000 Full Service Facility Equipment & Maintenance Services - Part 1.

  • Funds are considered disbursed when they are provided to the project sponsor, developer, borrower, Eligible-Income Family or Community Service Facility (or other physical structure arising from an Economic Development Activity).

  • No personal vehicles are permitted at the Rental Car Storage and Service Facility Area unless otherwise authorized by the County.

More Definitions of Service Facility

Service Facility means a manufacturing facility described in subparagraph (A) or (B) of subdivision (2) of subsection (d) of this section, provided such facility is located outside of an enterprise zone in a targeted investment community.
Service Facility means any business which contracts with a generator or full−service contractor for servicing, disman- tling and salvaging products containing PCBs preceding disposal or salvaging PCBs preceding disposal.
Service Facility means the installation, including ground area, building and equipment, which has been specially arranged, as a whole or in part, to allow the supply of one or more of the services listed in paragraph 2, 3 or 4 of Schedule 2;
Service Facility. [insert name and reference of Service Facility] – See Appendix 3 to this Schedule 2 1.4. etc.]
Service Facility means the physical location contracted by the ignition interlock device provider where the service provider’s technicians install, calibrate, or remove ignition interlock devices.
Service Facility means any commercial facility that provides repair, fuel, food, or rest to an STAA vehicle or its operator.
Service Facility means the Contractor-operated, physical location where the Contractor’s elevator mechanics report. “ Should” denotes the permissive in a Contract clause or specification. Refers to items or information that the State has deemed are worthy of obtaining, but not required or obligatory. Also see “May”.