Examples of Service Wharf in a sentence
Unless the context otherwise requires the provisions of this Part apply only to the use by the State of the Service Wharf.
The Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Xxxxxxx Ore Wharf By‑laws and the Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Xxxxxxx Service Wharf By‑laws are repealed.
The Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Xxxxxxx Ore Wharf By-laws and the Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Xxxxxxx Service Wharf By-laws are repealed.
Notwithstanding the provisions of Clause 12 of the Agreement and of the provisions of the Jetty Licences issued to the Company in respect of the Service Wharf, the State hereby indemnifies and forever holds blameless the Company against all actions, claims, demands and costs in respect of any loss of or damage to the State’s cargo howsoever arising whilst such cargo remains on the Service Wharf or within the stacking area adjacent to the Service Wharf.
The State is to ensure that any of its cargo left on the Service Wharf is stacked clear of access ways, tug and pilot boat Berths and that such cargo is removed as expeditiously as possible.Use of service wharf by the State Part 4 bl.
The Master, owner and agent of any vessel lying alongside the Service Wharf or the Ore Wharf are jointly and severally liable for all damage (whether the damage is due to the negligence or wilful act of any person or otherwise) caused to cargo or goods lying on the wharf or to electrical connections on or under the wharf by water used upon the vessel (whether for washing down or otherwise).
The Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Lambert Ore Wharf By-laws and the Iron Ore (Robe River), Cape Lambert Service Wharf By-laws are repealed.
The piles will be loaded aboard barges at the existing CLA Service Wharf for haulage to the nearshore worksites at the CLA wharf and jetty.• Replacement of dolphins via the installation of new dolphins alongside the existing structures; these will be connected by a steel jetty walkway between the new dolphins to enhance safe access around the wharf.
The Master, owner and agent of any vessel lying alongside the Service Wharf or thean Ore Wharf are jointly and severally liable for all damage (whether the damage is due to the negligence or wilful act of any person or otherwise) caused to cargo or goods lying on the wharf or to electrical connections on or under the wharf by water used upon the vessel (whether for washing down or otherwise).
ORETA MAPU CRICHTONChief Procurement OfficerPort Administration director Taimalelagi Dr. Claire Poumele (seated) with some of her staff at yesterday’s dedication ceremony for the Service Wharf rehabilitation project at the Port of Pago Pago.