Severability Of Insurance Sample Clauses

Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each "in- sured". This condition will not increase our limit of liability for any one "occurrence".
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each "insured." This condition will not increase our limit of liability for any one "oc- xxxxxxxx."
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each “insured” except with respect to the Aggregate Sublimit of Liability of $50,000 described under Section II, Conditions 1.c. – Sublimit of Liability for “Fungi,” Mold, Wet Or Dry Rot, or Bacteria Coverage. This condition will not increase the limit of for this coverage.
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each "insured." This
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each insured person against whom claim is made or suit is brought, subject to our limits of liability for each occurrence.
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies sepa- rately to each "insured." This condition will not increase our limit of liability for any one "occurrence."
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each “insured” ex- cept with respect to the Aggregate Sublimit of Liability described in this endorsement under Section II – Condi- tions 1.
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each "in- sured" except with respect to the Aggregate Sublimit of Liability of $50,000 described under Section II, Conditions 1.c. – Sublimit of Liability for "Fungi," Wet or Dry Rot, Yeast or Bacteria. This condition will not increase the limit of liabil- ity for this coverage.
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies separately to each “insured” against whom claim is made or suit is brought/ However, this provision will not increase our “limit of liability” for any one “occurrence” or “offense”.
Severability Of Insurance. This insurance applies (Personal Liability) shown on the declarations page is our total liability under Coverage C (Personal Liability) for all damages resulting from any occurrence. This limit is the same regardless of the number of insureds, claims made or persons injured. The limit of liability for Coverage D (Medical Payments to Others) shown on the declarations page is our total liability under Coverage D (Medical Payments to Oth- ers) for all medical expense payable for bodily injury to one person as the result of one accident. The total limit of our liability for all expenses payable to two or more persons injured in one accident is $25,000. separately to each insured. This condition will not in- crease our limit of liability for any one occurrence.