Examples of Seychelles fishing zone in a sentence
The Parties shall cooperate with a view to promoting the landing of catches from Union vessels operating in the Seychelles fishing zone.
The Union hereby undertakes that all possible and necessary steps are taken to ensure that its vessels comply with this Agreement and the laws of Seychelles governing the fishing activities in the Seychelles fishing zone.
The Parties shall ensure that only aggregated data related to fishing activities in the Seychelles fishing zone shall be made available to the public domain.
Union vessels may engage in fishing activities in the Seychelles fishing zone covered by this Agreement only if they hold a fishing authorisation (defined as "licence" as per the Seychelles legislation) issued under this Agreement.
The aim is also to enhance cooperation between the European Union and the Republic of the Seychelles to promote a sustainable fisheries policy and sound exploitation of fisheries resources in the Seychelles fishing zone and in the Indian Ocean, in the interest of both parties.
The Seychelles authorities shall inform the Delegation of the European Commission and the flag State, within 48 hours, of the arrest of any fishing vessel flying the flag of a Member State of the Community fishing under the Agreement in Seychelles fishing zone and shall transmit a brief report of the circumstances and reasons leading to such arrest.
Gaps exist in the cultural adaption of the Let’s Prevent program for the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and the ability to empower Aboriginal Health Practitioners to deliver the program to their own communities.
Each Union purse seine vessel shall embark during its trip in Seychelles fishing zone at least two qualified Seychelles seamen designated by the agent of the vessel, in agreement with the ship-owner, from the names on a list to be maintained and submitted by the competent Seychelles authorities and established on the basis of the guidelines for the engaging of Seychelles seamen on Union vessels provided in Appendix 6.
Pursuant to Article 5 of the Agreement, Union vessels may engage in fishing activities in the Seychelles fishing zone only if they are in possession of a fishing authorisation issued under this Protocol in accordance with the Annex hereto.
The Parties hereby undertake to promote responsible fishing in Seychelles fishing zone based on the principle of non-discrimination between the different fleets fishing in those waters.