sight triangle(s) definition

sight triangle(s) means an area at the intersection of roads in which all buildings, fences, vegetation and finished ground elevations shall be less than 1 m (3.28 ft.) in height above the average elevation of the carriageway, in order that vehicle operators may see approaching vehicles in time to avoid collision;
sight triangle(s) means the area of unobstructed sight distance at two or more intersecting highways, including approach and departure sight triangles, or where a driveway meets a highway. In accordance with provincial guidelines, Sight Triangle size varies depending on various factors including highway speed and the types of regulatory controls in place at the intersection.
sight triangle(s) means the triangular space formed on a corner lot by the street lines and a line drawn from a point in one street line to a point in the other street line, each such point being 15 metres measured along the street line from the point of intersection of the street lines. Where the two street lines do not intersect at a point, the point of intersection of the street lines shall be deemed to be the intersection of the projection of the street lines or the intersection of the tangents to the street lines.

Examples of sight triangle(s) in a sentence

  • A fee of $710.00 plus disbursements and taxes, per agreement is payable for the review and registration of documents identified in a Site Plan Application, including, but not limited to, Transfers for Road Widening and/or Sight Triangles, Transfers of Easements, Save harmless Agreements, Future Mutual Access Agreements, Acknowledgement Agreements, etc.

  • Provides general regulations that supplement the regulations in Part 4 (District Regulations and Development Standards) for topics such as Site grading, Sight Triangles, nuisance and Height.

  • A fee of $530.00 plus disbursements and taxes, per agreement is payable for the review and registration of documents identified in a Site Plan Application, including, but not limited to, Transfers for Road Widening and/or Sight Triangles, Transfers of Easements, Save harmless Agreements, Future Mutual Access Agreements, Acknowledgement Agreements, etc.

  • A fee of $530.00 plus disbursements and taxes, per agreement is payable for the review and registration of documents identified in a Rezoning Application, including, but not limited to, Transfers for Road Widening and/or Sight Triangles, Transfers of Easements, Save harmless Agreements, Future Mutual Access Agreements, Acknowledgement Agreements, etc.

  • Figure 16A – Clear Sight Triangles Figure 16B – Corner & Through Lot Diagram Figure 16C – Standard Lot Diagram Section 1608 Woodland & Resource PreservationIt shall be required that efforts be made to preserve natural vegetation areas.

  • All road intersections shall be such as to provide for clear sight distance as shown on the plan herewith attached for "Intersection Sight Triangles" where directed by the Rural Municipality.

  • Applicable requirements for the placement of signs at intersections are provided in the Engineering Standards, Section 13-10-006-0002 (Intersection Sight Triangles, Clear View Zones).

  • Sight Triangles (Property Lines at Intersections)- The property lines at all intersections shall have a 25-foot setback from the Point of intersection (PI) to the Point of Tangent (PT).

  • Sight Triangles: Minimum clear sight distance at all street and driveway intersections shall be approved by the road and bridge department having jurisdiction.

  • All fences and walls shall conform to the following standards unless exempted by Section 23-6-7(D)(3), Exemptions, and except as otherwise provided in Section 23-6-1(F)(5)f, Sight Triangles at Driveway Intersections, and Section 23- 7-5(I), Sight Triangles at Street Intersections.

More Definitions of sight triangle(s)

sight triangle(s) means a specified area along an intersections approach and across the included corners allowing an unobstructed view of approaching vehicles and pedestrians;
sight triangle(s) means the area of unobstructed sight distance at two or more intersecting highways, including approach and departure sight triangles, or where a driveway meets a highway. In accordance with provincial guidelines, Sight Triangle size varies depending on various factors including highway speed and the types of regulatory controls in place at the intersection. Driveway Sight Triangles are formed by measuring 4.5m up the driveway and 4.5m down the lot line abutting a right-of-way.

Related to sight triangle(s)

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