Lot Line definition
Examples of Lot Line in a sentence
The following documents that show the subject property in its current configuration constitute acceptable evidence of a separate, legal lot: a recorded Parcel or Final Map, a recorded Official Map, a recorded Certificate of Compliance or Conditional Certificate of Compliance, an approved Lot Line Adjustment, a recorded Reversion to Acreage, a recorded Voluntary Merger or an approved Lot Split Plat.
Any boundary line of a Lot adjacent to a street and which is not a Front Lot Line.
No Principal Building shall be located within 1.5 metres of an Interior Side Lot Line, with the total Setback of all Side Yards not to be less than 4.5 metres.
In the case of a Corner Lot, no Principal Building shall be located within 3.6 metres of an Exterior Side Lot Line.
Line type to be Continuous: color is to be Blue. Any Lot Line outside of the subject Property shall be included on the AdjacentLotLineLayer. When a Property Boundary Line is also the Municipal Boundary Line, County Boundary Line and/or Stream Boundary Line, this line must be depicted on each individual Layer with each respective color.