Examples of Signature of Patient in a sentence
Signature of Patient or Parent/Guardian Date Late Cancellation and no-show policy:If for any reason, you are unable to keep this appointment, we request you call us 24 hours in advance at (864) 331- 1400 to cancel or reschedule.
Signature of Patient or Parent/Guardian Date If there are any changes to your or your child’s insurance between now and the time of yourappointment, please notify us because your new insurance my not cover your service.
Signature of Patient or Parent/Guardian Date Patient Name Patient’s Date of Birth I authorize the release of any medical or other information to the insurance company that is necessary to process my insurance claim(s).
X X Printed Name of Patient Printed Name of Guardian (if applicable)X X Signature of Patient or Guardian Date Waiver of Patient Authorizations****(ONLY SIGN IF YOU DO NOT WISH TO HAVE YOUR INSURANCE BILLED AND WILL PAY OUT OF POCKET AT THE TIME OF SERVICES) **** I do not wish to have information released and prefer to pay at the time of service and/or to be fully responsible for payment of charges and to submit claims to insurance at my discretion.
Print Patient’s Name Signature of Patient or Patient’s Representative Date 3.
Print Patient’s Name Signature of Patient or Patient’s Representative Date 4.
During this past year, IOM staff have been in close proximity to several terrorists bombings, have come under fire, and have been subjected to captivity, assault, threats and robbery.
Signature of Patient Date Signature of Parent, Guardian or Personal Representative* Date *If you are signing as a personal representative of an individual, please describe your legal authority to act for this individual- power of attorney, healthcare surrogate, etc.
Signature of Patient Printed Name Date Signature of Parent/Guardian Printed Name Date I, a mental health professional, have discussed the issues above with the patient and/or his or her parent or guardian.
Signature of Patient Date or Signature of Patient’s Representative & Relationship Date Office Representative Signature Date Patient Registration Last Name: First Name: MI: DOB: Social Security #: Address: City: State: Zip: Primary Phone Number: Secondary Phone Number: Driver’s License Number: Issuing State: Employer: Occupation: Email Address: Emergency Contacts:1.