Job Title definition
Job Title means a specific designation of a position within an organization, normally associated with a job description that details the tasks and responsibilities that go with it.
Job Title means the Job Titles set forth in this RFP and resulting Contract. A listing of each Job Title and corresponding description is included in Attachment 9 - Job Titles, Skill Levels, Regions.
Examples of Job Title in a sentence
Proposed Price – The Vendor’s maximum hourly rate for an associated Job Title or Scope Variant for the initial and renewal term.
Ceiling Rate – The maximum Proposed Price a Bidder may propose for an associated Job Title or Scope Variant while still being deemed to have submitted the lowest responsive bid.
Relevant Experience (From most recent): Period: From – To Name of activity/ Project/ funding organisation, if applicable: Job Title and Activities undertaken/Description of actual role performed: e.g. June 2010-January 2011 Etc.
Ceiling Rate – The maximum price a Contractor may charge for an associated Job Title or Scope Variant.
Job Title – The position described within Exhibit H, Job Family Descriptions.
More Definitions of Job Title
Job Title means the descriptive name for the total collection of tasks, duties and
Job Title means a specific job identified by a title and job description.
Job Title means the title of the position to which an employee has been elected or appointed.
Job Title. Means a specific job identified by a title and job description (i.e., bus driver, secretary, etc.)
Job Title. PRESIDENT/CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER FSLA: EXEMPT REPORTS TO: BOARD OF DIRECTORS SUMMARY: Plans, develops, and establishes policies and objectives of business organization in accordance with Board directives and corporation charter by performing the following duties personally or through subordinate managers.
Job Title. The job title for the Shellfish Warden shall be "Frenchman Bay Regional Shellfish Conservation Warden".
Job Title means a specific job in each level. See Addendum F.