Significant habitat definition
Examples of Significant habitat in a sentence
Significant habitat benefits will also result from water offset projects 12-S-W1 and 12-Ch-W2 (Table 13).
The following Schedule 1A values are identified for Clutha River/Mata-Au:• Size (large waterbody supporting high numbers of particular species or a variety of habitats)• Bedrock and gravel beds• Areas for spawning and juvenile fish development for trout and salmon• Riparian vegetation• Significant presence of trout, eel and salmon• Presence of indigenous fish species.• Significant habitat for flathead galaxid• Presence of a significant range of indigenous waterfowl.
ECONOMIC VITALITY Support for the Technology Sector: Bellevue supports efforts to enhance the competitiveness of the technology sector through investments in infrastructure and education,, specifically STEM, K-12, advanced manufacturing for technical specialities, and apprenticeships.
The natural heritage features to be considered in accordance with the PPS include: • Significant wetlands (PSW) and significant coastal wetlands;• Significant habitat of endangered and threatened species;• Significant woodlands;• Significant valleylands;• Significant wildlife habitat;• Significant areas of natural and scientific interest (ANSIs); and• Fish habitat.
Significant habitat modifications where listed species experience mortality or injury through impairment of essential behavior (e.g., nesting or reproduction) can be considered a “take” (USFWS 2016).A desktop assessment of publicly available data and a protected species habitat assessment or survey will be needed to determine the potential for protected species to occupy or navigate the waters and aquatic habitats surrounding the proposed project location.
This section contains information on the identification and delineation of the following KNHFs: Significant habitat of endangered species, threatened species and special concern species; Fish habitat; Wetlands; Life science ANSIs; Significant valleylands; Significant woodlands; and, Sand barrens, savannahs, tallgrass prairies and alvars.
Lands designated as “Natural Heritage System - Category 1” on Schedule “A” include environmentally significant lands and/or waters of inherent ecological sensitivity, such as those areas containing the following natural features: • Provincially significant wetlands.• Natural watercourses and ravines.• Significant habitat of endangered species and threatened species.• Significant parabolic dunes outside of the Provincial Park.
Significant habitat restoration and enhancement occurred at Whitetail Woods-Vermillion Highlands in the central part of Dakota County.
Project goals are: • Creation of approximately 3,000 m2 of stable off-channel rearing habitat for coho, Chinook, and steelhead;• Provision of critical over-wintering and over-summering juvenile-to-smolt rearing habitats;• Increased fry to smolt survival and increased smolt production per spawning pair;• Increased community awareness of the importance of off-channel habitat; and• Significant habitat gain/recovery at relatively low construction costs and low long-term maintenance costs.
Significant habitat loss due to development has already occurred along the New Hampshire seacoast, and development pressure continues.