Significantly increase definition

Significantly increase means any increase that initiates or changes any report to NRC.
Significantly increase or “Significant Increase” means any one or more of the following increases over or changes compared to the as built condition of a neighborhood:

Examples of Significantly increase in a sentence

  • Significantly increase funding for superconducting accelerator magnet R&D in order to support aggressive development of new conductor and magnet technologies.

  • Recommendation from Initial Report dated September 9, 1996 Significantly increase the number of FBI agents assigned to counter-terrorism investigations, to improve intelligence, and to crisis response.

  • Significantly increase residential land uses in the Near Southeast, particularly in the Southeast Federal Center, Capper Carrollsburg, Canal Blocks, and South Capitol Gateway areas.

  • Doing so would:• Ensure that all have equitable access to the unique “earn and learn” apprenticeship model• Meet industry demand for a skilled workforce, recognizing the value of the talents and strengths of the nation’s increasingly diverse populations• Significantly increase the number of active apprentices and the return on investment for employers.

  • Significantly increase investment in education and professionaldevelopment of the mainstream health professional workforce, including the implementation of the Program of Experience in the Palliative Approach (PEPA).

  • As such, the proposed action will not: Significantly increase the probability or consequences of radiological accidents, result in any changes to the types of effluents that may be released offsite, and result in any significant increase in occupational or public radiation exposure.

  • Significantly increase the stringency of the Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) Chemical Substance Inventory and maintain thorough monitoring and enforcement.

  • Significantly increase observer coverage, monitoring, and enforcement in fisheries taking chondrichthyans;4.

  • Objective: Significantly increase the number of failing on-site sewage systems that are repaired or replaced and identify and remove remaining straight pipe discharges.

  • Thismight be fine in the winter, when the restrooms see little use, but it is not nearly sufficient time to adequately service a restroom that has been heavily used, with 30 minutes being a more reasonable target.Recommendation: Significantly increase the number of seasonal park maintenance staff during summer months.

Related to Significantly increase

  • Total Incremental Term Loan Commitment means the sum of the Incremental Term Loan Commitments of any Class of Incremental Term Loans of all the Lenders providing such Class of Incremental Term Loans.

  • Bid Incremental value means the minimum amount over and above the last highest bid amount by which any participating Qualified Bidder will be required to increase the next bid on the auction portal;